Circus in a Teacup | Vulcana Circus & Micah Projects
I witnessed empowering moments of redemption when the ensemble flipped the script in two distinct ways. In an act of subversion, the lampshade was treated as a microphone and the closet morphed into a stage the women could stand on top of and verbalise their sentiments.

What Will Have Been | Circa
The three acrobats are the stars of this exceptional show that features incredible hand balance by Daniel O’Brien, a fluid and moving straps solo (and acrobatic ‘dance’) by Kimberley Rossi, and quite amazing strength work by Zac Stephens. In just over 60 minutes, the performers demonstrated their mastery of circus arts to create moments of beauty, strength, power, fear, tenderness, pain, humour, wistfulness, joy, and connection.

GODZ | Headfirst Acrobats
When we talk about beautiful men, we will often say ‘Awh, he’s like a Greek God’. Headfirst Acrobats take this aphorism and run, giving us GODZ: a one-hour high comedy, high camp, circus extravaganza, all the while keeping it extremely sexy.

IMPACT | Vulcana
The showcasing of such a diversity of voices all affected by the climate crisis is what made IMPACT special. The entire event felt like a community getting together to share stories and find comfort in shared experience.

“Gives us space to laugh while we consider the enormity of this crisis.” Celia White on latest Vulcana production ‘IMPACT’
Our favourite medium is circus so it was important to tackle this subject and how we tell these kind of stories through this modality. It will be really interesting to see how the audience responds a series of images, a series of tipping points.
Party Ghost | Double Take
Party Ghost’s spooky, horror comedy was an absolute delight and had me belly laughing for a full 55 minutes.

Eternity | Circa
I can see why Circa’s Eternity has been the elusive golden ticket of the festival: a sold-out world premiere production by internationally renowned local superstars, promising a site-specific work that brings acrobatic excellence and contemporary spiritual music to Brisbane’s St John's Cathedral.

Stunt Double | The Farm
The scene exploded into a perfect, frantic homage to b-movies that had me grinning ear to ear. That feeling of anticipation, of knowing you were about to see something that was purely and intensely fun, was my favorite part of this production.

Cirque O L I O | JACs Entertainment
Being a semi-regular attendee of circus, I admit to a degree of scepticism towards the promise that I would see something I had never seen before. I was delighted to be proven wrong, my cynicism melting away not in what was performed, but in who performed it. I’ve seen numerous sexy hoop acts before, but O L I O made the unexpected but fantastic choice of including Adam Malone, a non-binary circus artist in its line-up.
A Collection of Circus | Cluster Arts + Independent Artists
Cluster Arts, the company behind Brisbane’s newest festival CIRCFest Meanjin, commissioned three independent artists to present snippets of their solo works in development. I think it is a great initiative to show audiences works in different stages, giving us a sneak peak at new Queensland works to come.

POWER | Strong lady Productions
Childs herself seems like the type of person whose hugs make you feel safe. She possesses a charm that helps her win the audience over almost immediately. Childs is the perfect guide and guardian for the audience as they travel through what power, strength, vulnerability, and weakness all look and feel like to them. From hearing her story and witnessing her vulnerability I can confidently say Childs is not only a Strong Lady, she is a strong person as well.

Arterial | Na Djinang
This performance for me showcased the new storytellers of our time, the holders, and caretakers of ancestral message. The work of Arterial to me was a deep dive into what it means to be living now, as a First Nations person in so-called Australia. Ritual and Relationship a strong theme throughout, upheld in a deep respect of Country, Culture and Self.

Knee Deep | Casus Creations
Knee Deep is a beautifully-crafted display that wordlessly spans both the Intimate and large scale. The 60 minute show is absolutely packed with contemporary circus skills, including literal high-points of towers, hoop, trapeze, and silks—and intimate moments of playful wooing of the egg, and interchangeable, duets, trios, and quartets that move across and though the space.
Assume People Like You | Melon The Human
Melon the Human demonstrates clowning at its finest, providing an hour’s worth of circus with the skill of a yesteryear street hustler. He kept us there. Melon’s fluidity in all the balancing, balls, rings, giant cube gags, tennis ball decoys he scatters throughout his performance are masterful. A stellar performance for his first time running this show. Most definitely worth a looksee.

In The Arms of Morpheous | ARC Circus
There was something very satisfying about watching Robbie Curtis, the sole performer in In The Arms of Morpheus, float and bounce around in a magical dreamscape. His movement was very fluid and light and the first trick with a big, bouncy cloud of fabric was such a good introduction into his world. Curtis combined some really impressive swinging pole, tumbling and juggling with a lot of well done clowning.

Tell us about the first time you saw a circus show….
We love the circus here at Nothing Ever Happens in Brisbane, and it turns out, so do all the circus artists we know! We’re so excited for CIRCFest 22 Meanjin, so we went to all the circus performers and asked them to tell us about the first time they saw a circus show, or glimpsed a clown, or found the magic of the circus stage…

What does circus mean to you?
If you haven’t heard, Brisneyland is getting it’s very own circus festival - thehighly anticipated CIRCFest22 Meanjin. Circus for young folk, for those looking for an extravagant night on the town, for lively teens, for sweet and shy people, for those with a sick sense of humour, circus for everyone! We’ve gone out to some of the incredible artists that will be performing across the festival from April 21 to May 1, and we asked them, what does circus mean to you?

"It automatically places people in this space of physicality that builds trust." Vulcana Circus on elevating the voices of those less heard
In this interview, co-directors and facilitators Celia White (Vulcana Circus’ Artistic Director) and Michelle Grant-Iramu discuss the process of enabling and empowering a large ensemble of a recently acquainted cohort, the imperative for access to art-making for people with experiences of trauma, truth-telling with a view to elevate the ordinary and making it extraordinary, and how circus is a perfect vessel for transformative art-making.

Nerve | Lauren Watson
The display of sheer strength and determination shone through this work brilliantly, as Lauren lifts her body onto the Lyra, in which she cleverly pulls from one of the disassembled wheelchairs on set and performs a superhuman aerial routine with impressive shapes as the haze floats peacefully on the surface floor and the mood lighting stunningly highlights her willpower.

Auntie's Fiafia Night | Casus Circus
Imagine two powerful women with vibrant flower covered moomoos, fanning themselves with woven fans, and big palm leaf plant beside them, laughing and gesturing as the performers take turns trying to earn a smile from them all night long. This shows just how respected elders and women are in Pasifika culture and that was an amazing take away for those who may not be of that background/culture.