In The Arms of Morpheous | ARC Circus

There was something very satisfying about watching Robbie Curtis, the sole performer in In The Arms of Morpheus, float and bounce around in a magical dreamscape. His movement was very fluid and light and the first trick with a big, bouncy cloud of fabric was such a good introduction into his world.  Curtis combined some really impressive swinging pole, tumbling and juggling with a lot of well done clowning.

This image + cover image: Kai Leishman

I wasn’t expecting to like the clown aspects of his show as much as I did, but Curtis's performance was so charming that I found it really easy to laugh along. His overexaggerated facial expressions and constant flip flopping between confusion and blind determination had me giggling. There was even a slight of hand magic trick in the middle of the show that absolutely delighted me, I have no idea how he did it.  The character work strung the tricks together into a narrative to follow and although it was a loose one, I personally always enjoy that in circus shows.

Even as someone who doesn’t know much about the physicality of circus, I was captivated by the amount of control that Curtis had in some of the stunning tricks like the swinging pole. The tricks are staged with a set-up and a payoff, and there were a couple of tricks where I felt like the payoff was predictable, so I wasn’t as engaged as I was with the others. This only happened in small parts of the show and overall it didn’t detract from the feeling of wonder I had while watching.

Being able to switch off and watch something that is actually magical is very special and if that little bit of escapism appeals to you I would definitely recommend In The Arms of Morpheus.

Katie Rasch

Katie is a Meanjin based producer and artist who works across photography, installation work, curating and producing. In her own work she likes to explore themes of Pacific Futurism, fat acceptance and resistance to assimilation. After completing a bachelor degree in Film and Screen Media Production Katie is enjoying sinking her teeth into every kind of story telling that Brisbane has to offer. She loves immersive narratives and spectacular space/site designs.


BRED | Briefs Factory


RUNT | Dee, Cornelius and Wilks