Playground In The Sky | Virag Dombay Productions & Room to Play Kids
It explored real-life struggles, and themes, such as hardship, stress, and the emotional toll of moving away from friends. Lines such as “Why is everyone leaving”, “all I want is to scream” deeply resonated with me, highlighting the crucial role of community support and friendship during challenging moments in life.

From Little Things | Casus Creations and Flipside Circus
I went to this show expecting a fun show that has that fuzzy feeling of community, but I got a lot more than that. It’s a beautiful creation, with artistry and skill that sometimes made me forget how young many of these performers were. Their opening season has been a sell-out, and I hope they bring this show back, so more people can see this delightful piece of art and circus culture.

"I’ve created these shows to ignite and spark conversations about young people and the adults in their lives." Virag Domby on 'Dear Adults' and 'What's for Dinner?'
There was no play medium out there that I felt resonated with my thoughts as young person. Certainly nothing that gave me agency. So, I guess you could say that I made it my mission to write and direct `works which give youth a platform for their voice to be heard.
"Backbone Festival is a testament to the resilience, creativity and abilities of young artists." Sampson Smith on the 2022 Backbone Festival.
It feels incredible to be a part of the beginning of their journeys, and it’s wonderful to see where artists and works from Backbone end up. I’m particularly excited about presenting the new work of our three Pilot Artists in Residence; Howling Jackals by Micah Rustichelli, Sad Boys Luv Art by Baby Blue, and Pierrot by Martelle Simon-Green.

The Politics of Vodka Lime & Soda | T!ts Akimbo
I was genuinely really delighted by the musical numbers, and I was surprised because that's usually not my thing. They were really fun and would cut between sharp cheesy choreography in the characters heads, to their real life drunken stumbling and screaming into the microphone. I think this would have been really easy to mess up but the way it broke up the action was really natural and the actors' delivery had me deep belly laughing at several points.

The Unspoken Word is ‘Joe’ | The Reaction Theory
This production showcased some incredible young talent in Meanjin | Brisbane and was a true delight to watch. The script was clever, witty, and fast. Meanjin needs more theatre like this and every comedy I see following this will have a very high bar to live up to.

Portraits: A Haunted Mansion | Observatory Theatre
The play follows the Godbold family as they adapt to rapid changes in their family hierarchy after their father, Ivan (played by James Hogan), suffers from a stroke. Estranged siblings, Josephine (played by Rebecca Day) and Martin (played by Emile Regano), are forced back together to confront unspoken traditions, secrets, memories, trauma, and ghosts.

Maze | The Naughty Corner Collective
The actors used neon tube lighting to move around the space, giving shape to the maze and blocking Wray’s path as he approached dead ends. This was a very effective use of the small stage. Further, it made the labyrinth feel alive, almost like a character itself, with the lighting being the blood pumping through the veins of the tunnels.