Global Fusion- India - 'Into the Light' | Thomas Dixon Centre & BEMAC
“I pay homage to the light,” says Menaka, gently reinforcing the intention of the performance to honour Diwali, the Festival of Light through an amalgamation of select Indian elements and Western influences. The mellifluous sounds of the Bansuri (bamboo flute) played dexterously by Darshil Shah juxtaposed against the lean silhouettes of professional Ballet dancers, Sarah Thompson and Jayden Grogan signal to us that more forces of global fusion are waiting to be unleashed. From the wings onto the stage, and into the light.

"I’ve created these shows to ignite and spark conversations about young people and the adults in their lives." Virag Domby on 'Dear Adults' and 'What's for Dinner?'
There was no play medium out there that I felt resonated with my thoughts as young person. Certainly nothing that gave me agency. So, I guess you could say that I made it my mission to write and direct `works which give youth a platform for their voice to be heard.

Cool Story Bro | Big Fork Theatre
One of the coolest parts of Cool Story Bro is that every show night is its own opening and closing night. What happened on Friday night will never happen again, and the only people in the world who got to experience it are those who were in the room. So for all those reading this, I’m sorry, but you will never, ever, get to experience the pure extasy of watching a group of people spontaneously assume the role of sperms and egg in the fight for fertilisation.

ASK | Tristan Niemi
You could absolutely feel the tension in the room, it was palpable. I felt the recognition of my role as a voyeur in this maelstrom, and my heart started to race. It was thrilling. I felt compelled to keep asking questions. In fact, I asked questions through the whole show, for various reasons. Originally it was curiosity, and even partly some sort of weird benevolence towards the artist in the beginning. This was killed off by of an uncontrollable desire to hear as much of their story as possible.

Restless Dream | Bob Weatherall, Halfway, Digi Youth Arts & Alethea Beetson
It’s through Uncle Bob Weatherall where the reality hits that we are experiencing more than art and performance - it’s truth telling performed with rawness and honesty. Restless Dream tells the real-life journey of Uncle Bob’s efforts of repatriation and bringing back the ancestral remains of those who have died to be buried back on their country, back to Kamilaroi. Bringing peace and ensuring a real passing can happen.

Wrecked | Life Out Loud Storytelling
Last weekend I went to Brisbane’s hottest storytelling group, Life Out Loud Storytelling, for a night of storytelling fun. The night’s theme was wrecked: stories about rust and ruin, which was quite frankly what had drawn me to the event in the first place. I’ve been to many storytelling cabaret-esque themed nights when the theme has been very airy fairy, so it was quite nourishing to the soul to have a theme that had some grit to it.

Dream a Little Dream | For the Record #17
Hosts Maja and Siobhan are fresh and natural fronting the night and bring what they like to call ‘chaotic MCing’ to keep us entertained between acts. Their effortless banter and truly random segues alone would have me coming back month after month. Even if Siobhan’s penis hands will haunt until my dying days.