Absolute Trash | Glitter Martini
Filthy by the Scissor Sisters plays and the acts roll out from side stage. The first few acts consist of beautiful women dressed in hazmat suits, a wheelie bin scene with a bin chicken, a gorgeous garbage bag dress, and burlesque skits all connected by the ever-present rubbish that lives all around us, that we keep continuing to create!

Maddie is the new Karen | Madeleine Border & Madeline Römcke
The pace of the show is dynamic. The exercise bike, the treadmill all relevant props in the wake of a life in the day of a typical white woman in her 20’s, privileged and living in the inner-city landscape. The muffin is eaten and referred to as part of what it means to bake consciously. I was hoping they might sit on it, but that’s another show.

The Most Spectacular Cake | You Me Three Clown Co
Obvious spoiler warning, the cake ends up all over the stage. We know it's going to happen. There's clowns, there's cake, there's plastic wrap on the floor, we know where it's going to end up. In less skilled hands, this could detract from performance. However, Wren and Ash build everything up to the greatest crescendo possible, before each accident happens with an unexpected twist that's more ridiculous than the last. This is good old fashioned slapstick at its finest that left all in the audience bellowing with laughter.

yana marumba (Walk Good) |Wynnum Fringe Opening Ceremony
We made our way onto the Wynnum Boardwalk where we were introduced to Uncle Josh, a Nunagal man and a traditional custodian on Qaundamooka country. We were told stories of the land and the importance of keeping those stories alive, and not to let them fade away as well as pay our respects to our ancestors: Indigenous or non-indigenous, everyone’s ancestors that has moved on from this world.

Sewer Rat Girl | Siobhan Gibbs
The entire performance is overflowing with chaos but it is a sort of unruliness that can only come with rigorous curation and planning. A personal highlight was a joke made about intermediality that made my HECS-debt a little more worth the trouble of paying it back.

Poetry on the Boardwalk | Anthony Lawrence
Nature is often one of a poet’s greatest influences. There is nothing more simultaneously ordinary and extraordinary than a blade of grass, a puddle, or a falling leaf. So, to experience poetry about nature in the place that inspires it was an opportunity that I, as a poet myself, found deeply enticing.

Girls to The Front | Good Chat Comedy
Warmed and guided by the hilarious Ting Lim, the night was a riotous display of some great Brisbane comics. More than just the sum of its laughs, Girls to The Front felt like a celebration of talent, of life, of stories, of the things that define us and those that bring us together. I was reminded of the sheer connective power of comedy, the way it builds tension only so that the audience may collectively feel its release.

Ensnare Burlesque | Wynnum Fringe 21
On the Wynnum Fringe Podcast series, Ophelia explained ‘inclusivity’ being a big driver for her project Ensnare, and this was definitely achieved. Showcasing a deliciously diverse set of bodies, skills, and genres, it was clear that at Ensnare, everyone is welcome and celebrated.

It's Only Life | The Head Bros
Speaking of those performers, Maddison Hutchins brought such joy and levity whenever she walked on stage; matched by her buoyant vocals. Whenever she was on stage, you couldn’t help but look at her as she was so animated.

Portraits: A Haunted Mansion | Observatory Theatre
The play follows the Godbold family as they adapt to rapid changes in their family hierarchy after their father, Ivan (played by James Hogan), suffers from a stroke. Estranged siblings, Josephine (played by Rebecca Day) and Martin (played by Emile Regano), are forced back together to confront unspoken traditions, secrets, memories, trauma, and ghosts.

Shad and Pete Save the World | Shad Wicka and Peter James
If you’re a prude or enjoy more clean humour then this isn’t the show to attend, however if you’re into crude and outlandish comedy that can travel into all kinds of weird and wonderful directions then I would recommend it.

Good Chat Comedy’s Pop-Up Showcase | Good Chat Comedy
Comedy is subjective and the jokes can be hit and miss, but the comedians on display are experienced and have been touring the stand-up circuit for years so they come with the knowledge of how to work a room and get the most out of their punchlines.

Holy Bin A Moley | Art for Earthlings
Samantha, Nicolas, and Jennifer are all fantastic actors. Bringing each of the characters they play to life with an understanding of how to perform children’s entertainment, but like those Nickelodeon shows they still manage to have jokes for the adults. They also aren’t afraid to make fun of themselves or show their improvisation skill when the kids are offering their suggestions.

An Evening with Those Folk | Lawrence Menard & Clare Quinn
They aren’t afraid to be honest and show their relationship on stage in a playful way, and I enjoyed the stories they told between each song while also sharing the meanings behind the music too. Those Folk manage to create songs that are deep, layered and explore multiple themes utilizing folk and incorporating other genres such as bluegrass and jazz.