There’s Something About Music | The Little Red Company
The Little Red Company’s ‘There’s Something About Music’ is the perfect show for anyone, whether you’re a rom-com lover, a Julia Roberts or Hugh Grant fan, in the mood for something nostalgic, or just want a relaxing time step away from reality and get lost in those catchy songs.

Brown Church | The Naavikaran Collective
It is not long before I find myself completely taken in by the artists who have now formed a circle of celebration, clapping their hands to time. Naavikaran’s white flowy skirt accented with silvery foil-like material has a life force of its own. The other performers look equally royal in their costumes, twirling, swirling, locking eyes with one another, immersing themselves in the beauty and safety of friendships they have forged amongst themselves. I smile so much at the unfolding of this dance sequence simply because it is unadulterated, unpretentious joy.

Five Brissie bops to get you bouncing
I don’t know about you, but I love listening to music. Especially when it’s music produced, written, performed (and sometimes all three) by local Brissy artists. So, I thought I’d compile a list of the latest Brisbane bops I’ve been listening to. Vee goes looking for the best local sounds.