IMPACT | Vulcana
The showcasing of such a diversity of voices all affected by the climate crisis is what made IMPACT special. The entire event felt like a community getting together to share stories and find comfort in shared experience.

The Poets Club | Hope One
It was a magical night indeed to be entertained by a group of multi-talented brown and black artists from a variety of ethnic backgrounds and ranging in ages. These aunties and their contemporaries were brave enough to share their journey of language, loss, love, community, hope and more.

Poetry on the Boardwalk | Anthony Lawrence
Nature is often one of a poet’s greatest influences. There is nothing more simultaneously ordinary and extraordinary than a blade of grass, a puddle, or a falling leaf. So, to experience poetry about nature in the place that inspires it was an opportunity that I, as a poet myself, found deeply enticing.

Grand Slam & Seventh Birthday | Ruckus Slam
It was all the best trivia-night vibes, coupled with some kick-ass artists. No poetry clicking here. The poets were judged by audience members selected at random who got to don funny hats. The scoring system was in dinosaur puns. You can’t be simultaneously pretentious and score in dinosaur puns.

Ruckus Slam | 3rd Birthday Party
Unexpectedly, hungrily, over the past half a dozen years, Brisbane has developed a thriving poetry scene. As is the way in our deceptively lively river city, it happened under the radar.