Briefs Factory on The Art Boat | Briefs Factory & Cluster Arts
Super entertaining, very festival-y in its novelty, and by far the best boat trip I’ve had down the Maiwar (Brisbane River).

Sweatshop | Briefs Factory
A lot of the joy of Sweatshop is how engaged the performers are with the audience. Requests for cheers are met with enthusiasm from a crowd that is on their side from the moment they step on stage. This is the magic of Briefs: a group of performers doing unconventional things, presenting brightly and boldly to a room of people who are 100% there for every moment of it.

Briefs: The Classics | Briefs Factory
As a shameless Briefs groupie, I’d seen all the acts before, but that didn’t matter in the slightest. All the performers know how to work the crowd and respond to the audience’s energy, camping up acts and whipping us into a frenzied applause at the drop of a hat. And of course, Shivannah kept the show moving at a high pace with her winning commentary and stunning outfits sourced from op shops around the world.

BRED | Briefs Factory
As impressive as the physical elements were, some of the more powerful moments were the dialogue parts. Emily delivers a powerful spoken word poem that had everyone in the room listening and Luke Hubbard stole the show for me in a closing performance that delved into the ongoing racism in the Australian police force and Indigenous deaths in custody, something that resonated with me deeply.

Bearded Bingo | Briefs Factory and Cluster Arts
Hosted by the very glamorous Shivannah, Thom and Captain Kidd, the mid morning was full of chaotic energy as each contestant fought to be the first one to complete their bingo combination. These very sexcellent bingo combinations included the little willy (one top, one middle, one bottom), the full house (everything), the hourglass (three top, two middle, three bottom) and Tasmania (three top, two middle, one bottom).