Blushing | Zen Zen Zo
review, physical theatre, theatre Nadia Jade review, physical theatre, theatre Nadia Jade

Blushing | Zen Zen Zo

Sometimes it felt like the two acted as friends, or sometimes lovers, in other scenes I felt as if they were reflections of self and shadow self., hidden desires pushing up through layers of societal expectations, repressions and social niceties. The chorus swung in and out and around the two as they journeyed through different trials of purity and expression, emancipation and repression.

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Yoga Play | La Boite Theatre
theatre, review Writeousness theatre, review Writeousness

Yoga Play | La Boite Theatre

In this world of consumerism gone mad, Yoga Play highlights the (laugh out loud) paradox of the practice of yoga between the West (California) and the East (India) using satire to bridge the gap between ludicrous and rational.

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Round the Twist the Musical | Queensland Theatre & QPAC
review, theatre, musical Catherine Lawrence review, theatre, musical Catherine Lawrence

Round the Twist the Musical | Queensland Theatre & QPAC

If you are not at all familiar with Round the Twist, just go along for the magical ride--particularly if you are looking for a pantomime alternative. Round the Twist The Musical will entertain your age 7-11 grandkids with plenty of fart and smelly feet jokes…and you can all delight in the guy getting his girl, and cheer when the bullies/baddies are defeated. 

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Lamina | VOiiiD Collective
dance, review Nadia Jade dance, review Nadia Jade

Lamina | VOiiiD Collective

They entered in brightly coloured heat mapped leotards and perfectly groomed and shiny Gattaca-esque heads. They moved beautifully, fluidly in one scene, in tandem for a note, again an element of robotic science fiction. The wearing of wigs as a taking on and putting off of the Role Of Woman.

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Winona | Ebony Rattle
theatre, review Stephanie Markwell theatre, review Stephanie Markwell

Winona | Ebony Rattle

Shared cigarettes, discussions of what medication they’re currently taking, and manic depressive episodes define the relationship, and Rattle and Robinson’s rapport throughout the work keeps the duo both believable and elevated in a way that astounded me from a purely technical level.

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Dragspeare: Drag Kings do Shakespeare
review, theatre Ophelia Novak review, theatre Ophelia Novak

Dragspeare: Drag Kings do Shakespeare

The Stallion Squad are a singing, dancing, stripping band of kings on a regional tour from Innisfail to Goondiwindi. Feeling stuck in groundhog day doing their usual sexy choreography they decide to get serious and add some Shakespeare to their show. Absolute hilarity, a touch of romance and unabashed queerness ensues.

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AI May - Embodi Theatre
review, theatre Nadia Jade review, theatre Nadia Jade

AI May - Embodi Theatre

AI May is a play that explores grief, and the ways in which we process it, or the ways in which we do not. It is a slice of tomorrow-styled science fiction, or as it totes itself, futuristic realism, wherein potential technologies of artificial technology have become commonplace in the not-too-distant future, replacing social services and healthcare and other daily essentials.

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Harpies | Eli Free
review, physical theatre, theatre Ophelia Novak review, physical theatre, theatre Ophelia Novak

Harpies | Eli Free

At times graceful and at others deliberately repugnant, these actors gave their all for this show, creating a sense of community with each other and their audience as they progressed. They also involved other artistic elements including electric guitar, puppetry and roving, and it was clear that this is a multi talented, local cast.

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