Fun Home | PIP Theatre
Even though lesbian representation isn’t as rare or poor as it was 10 years ago, it still makes me feel warm and fuzzy when I see it. So of course one of my favourite songs was ‘Changing My Major’ where College Alison sings about her new girlfriend after coming out and sleeping with her for the first time. In this piece Enright’s performance perfectly captured the awkward joy of ‘leaping out of the closet’.

Straight from the Strait | Opera Queensland, Yumpla Nerkep Foundation and QPAC
Straight from the Strait is a joyful unfolding of a History lesson taking off on the pulsating wings of soulful songs and reverberating through stamping feet carrying ancestral rhythms and wisdoms. It held me captive from the get-go and set my spirit free by the end of the night.

Dreams & Stories | Queensland Symphony Orchestra with William Barton
Sculthorpe’s Kakadu followed, which was a standout in terms of William Barton’s additions through didgeridoo. Note that this was not part of the original score and something Sculthorpe included after hearing Barton play. In part a beautiful homage between musos. I loved the harmonic shifts of the different instruments mimicking birds, trees, nature and the sometimes flight, fright, freeze and fawn.

Psycho Beach Party | The X Collective
High camp is the name of the game here peoples. From beginning to end Psycho Beach Party is irreverent, tongue-n-cheek, tasteless, and an utter giggle-fest. The play ends, the cast bows and all I had to say was “that was deeply, deeply silly”. And I need you to understand that in this context that is a massive compliment.

Disney Off Ice | Observatory Theatre
Pre-recorded videos of the actors' faces were projected on screen during moments of tension while the actrs were performing live in front of the projections. This was a really impactful stylist choice for the work, which heightened the performances of the actors.

Horizon | Bangarra Dance Theatre
If you are new to Bangarra’s work, then Horizon is for you. If you are looking for a memorable creative and cultural experience, then Horizon is for you. If you want to admire exceptional cutting-edge contemporary dance, with great music, lighting and costumes … Horizon is also for you. angarra’s Horizon is an unmissable experience.

As Told By The Boys Who Fed Me Apples | Lachlan Driscoll
There is so much to highlight from this excellent production—particularly the soundscape, acting, and production design/direction … Actors Robert Wainwright and Riley Finn Anderson communicate the fear and horrors of the journeys and battles, and build a real sense of the loving and trusting relationship established between each of the ‘boys’ and their horse.

Dido & Aeneas | Opera Queensland & Circa
I found that the inclusion of movement added so much to the experience of this work. The acrobats were able to bring the more abstract, mystical, violent, grotesque, glimmering elements of Dido and Aeneas’ world to life. Each and every member of the company (both acrobat and singer) brings a level of virtuosity to their work that reminds one why these forms have lasted the test of time.

TINA: The Tina Turner Musical | TEG Dainty
Brisbane audiences will not be disappointed; this is one show that absolutely deserves to be a sellout. As my plus-one said on the opening night, this must be the best musical we have seen at QPAC. But you’d better be quick, as this show goes back on the road at the end of August.

WILDFLOWER | ADC Mature Ensemble
Defiance defines this performance. Defiance against those they have closed off the stage, the dancing, the community of kindred spirits. We will take what is ours to have.

Plied and Prejudice | Woodward Productions and De Bortoli
The cast is dynamic, the script is a right knee-slapper, and the audience is encouraged to drink and interact with show responsibly throughout. If you’re an Austen lover, a Bridgeton baddie, or a period drama lover in general this is the show for you; I truly can’t recommend this more highly.

Cost of Living | Queensland Theatre
Co-Director Priscilla Jackman has been relentless in pursuing the idea of staging Cost of Living in Australia for the first time when she first stumbled on the script in 2019! Working with Co-Director and star Dan Daw, the two powerhouses of the theatre world have crafted a production that goes beyond how a disability is perceived, putting the focus front and centre on the interdependence of individuals, both disabled and able bodied.
![[gameboy] | Amy Zhang](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64c498e140a63f71397ea8cc/1718763322394-3ERKI10YSQK9NAC2K6E7/Gameboy-byJadeEllis-highres-232.jpg)
[gameboy] | Amy Zhang
All-in-all [gameboy] is an evocative night of dance that can be read as a commentary on internet gaming and culture or as a thesis on the game of life and the role of intersectional identity in determining how well we are allowed play. Brilliant and evocative; legible to the intellectual and viscerally affective for those just wanting to have a good experience at the theatre. Brava.

Pacific Harmonies | Opera Queensland
One hour with Pinkasova could have easily been many; her voice, her stories, her presence were all so enchanting. The way she connects her personal history and the history of the pacific and to song is masterful; just like her vocals.

AMOR | D.I.V.E. Theatre Collective
Each phrase is a delightful piece of poetry expertly delivered. I long to read the script in it’s entirety, so that what was shared could be later accessed as a source of wisdom. I contemplate returning for another night just to hear it all again. Recitals came through in various dialects and the tonality of each reminds us of love’s universality. We all can sometimes struggle in it, or thrive in it, regardless of cultural background.

The Norman Mailer Anecdote | DOOR 3 & Queensland Theatre
Writer, Anthony Mullins, has written a ripper of a dialogue that bristles with tension and emotion. Under the deft direction of Julian Curtis, what starts off as a celebration, ends in a tangled web of lies and deceit in just under a harrowing eighty minutes.

Reuben Tsang in Concert
The highlight of the day was Franz Liszt’s Rhapsodie espagnole S 254. This suggestive traditional Spanish music opened with a cadenza, included rapid chords and octaves, that was spiced with the feeling of improvisation. Tsang dazzled me with his exquisite piano techniques and I was impressed by the way he swept those 88 keys so blazingly.

Dots+Loops: Rewind
The walk down memory lane ends, and we are ushered out in the foyer for the after party. There’s a bounty of cupcakes (I told you there would be cake didn’t I?) and HipHopHoe is waiting for us with an epic and eclectic set that has the crowd dancing their socks off for the last hour and a half of the night.

What Will Have Been | Circa
The three acrobats are the stars of this exceptional show that features incredible hand balance by Daniel O’Brien, a fluid and moving straps solo (and acrobatic ‘dance’) by Kimberley Rossi, and quite amazing strength work by Zac Stephens. In just over 60 minutes, the performers demonstrated their mastery of circus arts to create moments of beauty, strength, power, fear, tenderness, pain, humour, wistfulness, joy, and connection.

Banging Denmark by Van Badham | PIP Theatre
PIP Theatre’s Banging Denmark advertises itself as a fun night of solid entertainment and it delivers on this in spades. It’s real, raunchy, and wriggles its feminism in underneath the laughs in a way that keeps it squarely in the land of entertainment rather than delivering a gender studies lecture.