ASK | Tristan Niemi
You could absolutely feel the tension in the room, it was palpable. I felt the recognition of my role as a voyeur in this maelstrom, and my heart started to race. It was thrilling. I felt compelled to keep asking questions. In fact, I asked questions through the whole show, for various reasons. Originally it was curiosity, and even partly some sort of weird benevolence towards the artist in the beginning. This was killed off by of an uncontrollable desire to hear as much of their story as possible.

"I don’t want pain to be my legacy." Tristan Niemi on subverting the expectations of theatre
The artists that I’m close with, when we talk about our practice, we often come to a place of discussing this pressure we feel to be in pain in order to making art of value. But when a layer of othering, as you put it, is added to that the pressure becomes intensified and localised to the “otherness” we are branded with. I, personally, plan on being a working artist for the rest of my life and I don’t want pain to be my legacy. I don’t want the next generation of artist to have to inherit that from me and feel that same pressure. So, I’m using ASK to point out the despicable nature of this pressure.