AMOR | D.I.V.E. Theatre Collective
review, theatre Ofa Fanaika review, theatre Ofa Fanaika

AMOR | D.I.V.E. Theatre Collective

Each phrase is a delightful piece of poetry expertly delivered. I long to read the script in it’s entirety, so that what was shared could be later accessed as a source of wisdom. I contemplate returning for another night just to hear it all again. Recitals came through in various dialects and the tonality of each reminds us of love’s universality. We all can sometimes struggle in it, or thrive in it, regardless of cultural background.

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The Bigger Picture | Sachém, featuring Matt Hsu’s Obscure Orchestra.
review, poetry Claire Alcock review, poetry Claire Alcock

The Bigger Picture | Sachém, featuring Matt Hsu’s Obscure Orchestra.

With the colourful ensemble of Matt Hsu’s Obscure Orchestra providing a sonically vibrant depth to Sachém’s poetic innovation from his 2021 debut EP Part of the Picture, The Bigger Picture is explosive but not unstable, complex yet entirely focused, and expansive without ever being overwhelming. Altogether, the experience is simultaneously the manifestation of the incredible skill and ambition of one man while also being an unreservedly proud celebration of a rich, inclusive community. 

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Queensland State Final, Australian Poetry Slam | QLD Poetry
poetry, review Tristan Niemi poetry, review Tristan Niemi

Queensland State Final, Australian Poetry Slam | QLD Poetry

The night’s winner [was] Anna McGahan. Her performance was truly the highlight of the competition. McGahan’s writing is lyrically complex, sonically delicious, and speaks of parenting, reparenting, shame, unconditional selfhood, and unconditional love with such a wonderous astuteness. Her victory is more than earned and I wish her the best for the national heats.

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Dear Adults | Virag Dombay and Harry Fritsch
theatre, review Jaydem Martin theatre, review Jaydem Martin

Dear Adults | Virag Dombay and Harry Fritsch

Dear Adults is a verbatim piece performed by children that explores different dynamics they have with adults and provides a stage for their questions and concerns to be heard. It’s the kind of show that I wished I would’ve had access to as a child, especially with growing up in a rural town and the difficulties that arose there. To be able to have those honest discussions with the adults in my life is something I yearned for when I was younger and still do to some extent.

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101 Ways to Stare At A Wall | Sharmila Nezovic

101 Ways to Stare At A Wall | Sharmila Nezovic

Sharmila Nezovic is a thinker. An artist who layers ideas on inspirations and metaphors, who intersperses themes from across her lifetime of artmaking into curious installations. A one-time event, 101 Ways to Stare at a Wall is simultaneously a critique of our over-urbanised lives, hemmed in by the endless cemented infrastructure of modern cities, and also a kind of love letter to the hidden beauty of accidental architecture and human place-making.

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It Takes A Lot Not To End Up Dead | NiK NaK Productions
cabaret, musical, review Kristy Stanfield cabaret, musical, review Kristy Stanfield

It Takes A Lot Not To End Up Dead | NiK NaK Productions

In this unique musical cabaret, local folk singer-songwriter Lizzie Flynn takes us on a heartwarming journey through her youth via the key people and events that inspired her repertoire of original songs. It Takes A Lot Not To End Up Dead is a fun and wholesome time. I’m a big fan of putting singing and storytelling together. Singing itself is storytelling, but add a sprinkle of honest, in-character storytelling and you’ve got something extra special.

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Tales from the Colony | Voices of Colour & Skin Deep Collective
theatre, review Jaydem Martin theatre, review Jaydem Martin

Tales from the Colony | Voices of Colour & Skin Deep Collective

It’s hard to believe that it took only ten days for ‘Tales from the Colony’ to be created and then performed on stage. For a work that was complexed, multifaceted and spoke on deep themes and issues, it was suspiring to hear how quick it took for it all to come together, but that’s also a testament to the rawness that was on full display. And when the ending came, the audience on their feet standing, clapping and cheering on in praise: the emotional toll on six incredible performers was evident, and with that the realisation of what we had experienced was more than a show, but a journey of exposing truths, finding identity and baring trauma.

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Cirquetry | Vulcana
circus, poetry, review Adam Wood circus, poetry, review Adam Wood

Cirquetry | Vulcana

Cirquetry’s 30min work in development showing at the 2019 Queensland Poetry Festival,is a gorgeous blend of circus and spoken word. It showcases the possibilitiesof how mixing them together can bring new depth and meaning to each art form,which begs to be explored further. I look forward to seeing how thiscollaboration develops.

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Dinopocalypse | Ruckus Slam

Dinopocalypse | Ruckus Slam

What if dinosaurs did not die out in a mass extinction 65 million years ago and instead went underground and evolved over tens of millions of years into a vaguely humanoid species not too dissimilar from ourselves? And what if a catastrophic event drove them out of their homes and forced them to seek safety in our own and our government sought to contain them, both for their safety and for our own? And what would you do if you got a chance to visit the facility that contains them, at the launch of their dinosaur integration program?

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