Lamina | VOiiiD Collective
They entered in brightly coloured heat mapped leotards and perfectly groomed and shiny Gattaca-esque heads. They moved beautifully, fluidly in one scene, in tandem for a note, again an element of robotic science fiction. The wearing of wigs as a taking on and putting off of the Role Of Woman.

Angel-Monster | Phluxus2 Dance Collective
As a trained dancer I went into this show expecting a high level of maturity through the choreography and storytelling techniques and I was blown away by the finished product. It is a clever way to have this conversation about such serious subject matter. I was moved to tears (Rare! I’m not usually one to cry); and I would go and see it again, next time sitting in a different part of the theatre to get an experience from another vantage point.

101 Ways to Stare At A Wall | Sharmila Nezovic
Sharmila Nezovic is a thinker. An artist who layers ideas on inspirations and metaphors, who intersperses themes from across her lifetime of artmaking into curious installations. A one-time event, 101 Ways to Stare at a Wall is simultaneously a critique of our over-urbanised lives, hemmed in by the endless cemented infrastructure of modern cities, and also a kind of love letter to the hidden beauty of accidental architecture and human place-making.

Mothlight | Skye Gellman & Naomi Francis
Bound and constrained by sawthes of plastic wrap, the show is never explicit. The performers explore relationship - between each other, between the physical possibilities of the room and the set, between their own internal and external selves, between their ambition and the physical limitations of the body.

The Outhouse | Phoebe Manning & Sarah O'Shanesy
We all crammed into a tiny house in Highgate Hill in a manner reminiscent of many clowns jammed into a tiny car. Sitting on laps and crouching in corners, we settled in on top of each other and traveled together on a whimsical journey.