“Gives us space to laugh while we consider the enormity of this crisis.” Celia White on latest Vulcana production ‘IMPACT’
Our favourite medium is circus so it was important to tackle this subject and how we tell these kind of stories through this modality. It will be really interesting to see how the audience responds a series of images, a series of tipping points.

Demolition | Polytoxic
When arriving at my seat a wave of proud brown girl joy makes its way through my spirit as the demolition work site sets the scene for what is going to be one of the most memorable shows that I've witnessed. I was about to undergo a unravelling of identity and I was more than ready!

DISTURBO | Bare Legs Circus
DISTURBO is a striking exploration of self-revelation and relationship, of queer embodiment and emancipation. I am going to throw it into the ring of New Circus, an uncategorizable cacophony of circus skills, drag, kitsch, acrodance, movement, storytelling, music, mime, and physical theatre.

Utopia! And the Calamity Caravan | Observatory Theatre
Using circus, tap dance and clowning, the team at Observatory Theatre have made a vibrant and lively adventure story that is sure to please the kiddos. This is a pretty good first draft of a fun family show, and I genuinely enjoyed it and would like to see it transformed into a real winner, so I am going to put on my circus producer hat for this one.

Vasilissa | Sylph Circus & Sirin Ensemble
I hope that Sylph Circus continues this path in future productions, finding other girl-centred stories to tell, to share, to enjoy the creating and performing of, to embed knowledge and learn it joyously, to share it with whomsoever comes to trip down the forest path on a crisp morning in autumn.

Sometimes I Say Your Name Out Loud | Moment of Inertia & Collectivist
As I entered the space that ‘Sometimes I Say Your Name Out Loud’ inhabited, I noticed the warm aura immediately and felt drawn to take a seat in the front row, which is unusual for me. The set and lighting felt whimsical and almost childlike, with a paper lantern in the shape of a boat hanging above the stage.

Absolute Trash | Glitter Martini
Each one of the circus acts was incredibly well-polished and a real pleasure to watch. These are circus artists with a truckload of experience under their belt, performing some quite technical tricks that had me mesmerised from the very first to the very last moment.

Sometimes I Say Your Name Out Loud | Collectivist & Moment of Inertia
As the curtain rises, we meet the three caretakers of death, the Priestess with her goddesslike aura and picturesque flower crown, Mort with her sickle and Ronnie, a janitor clown who captured our hearts with all of her imperfections and her endearing smile.

Over The Back Fence | Vulcana Circus
Boasting more than 10 different acts across four venues, this was an immersive, engaging, and exciting journey, part way between a mystery tour and the best school excursion you’ve ever been on (only with no teachers and more beer).

Ingress | Bridie Hooper
The show was richly layered with all manner of symbolism, and heavily dosed with extremely high-level acrobatics. And of course, youthful vigour is itself a kind of immortality, for who can imagine being weak when one is full of strength? In the summer of life one cannot conceive of the winter of the body. But being young is not an immunity from self reflection, self doubt, self loathing, and self flagellation.

We The Aliens | Ela Bartilomo and Cecilia Martin
They’ve moved us into the round, which for the most part works, although pieces down the far end of the room require you to crane your head. They are using segues that don’t entirely make sense on the surface. Which is good. I get tired of having everything spelled out for me, and when something is ambiguous and creative and exploring edgy themes I want the opportunity to let my imagination run wild. I want to see if I can figure it out. It’s what make art fun and interesting.

Under My Eye | Bianca Mackail
This work stands out in a mass of sexual-sequinned glamour pusses and full-frontal theatrical wonders. It is raw and fresh and utterly unique and when there is a second season don't miss the opportunity to check out an artist in full flight.

You & I | Casus Circus
You & I is a gorgeous piece of new circus from Casus. It’s not just about the breathtaking circus we expect from this Brisbane-based troupe, but a joyous celebration of the love, partnership and commitment between two men. It’s something my teenage self would have craved, and something that made my heart sing.

Dwell | Collectivist
Collectivist’s first production, Dwell, takes this concept and runs with it. Twists it, turns it, mashes it and destroys it in the best possible way, turning the traditional cabaret into a whole new beast. Similar in concept to HBO’s Room 104, in the world of Dwell’s hotel, anything can and will happen.

As If No One Is Watching | Vulcana Circus
As If showcases the diversity of these women's experiences, including the mundane life that forced upon us, our inner demons and how we can take back the night. There is something that everyone will be able to connect with here, and I dare anyone to not be moved by what they see.

Invisible Things | Alex Mizzen
The show pulls out a lot of darkness, a lot of deep hidden internal thoughts, and I realise about a third of the way through that this is very real for Alex, she is not acting this experience, she is having it.

Notorious Strumpet & Dangerous Girl | Jess Love
The show has enough pithy statements and throwaway jokes that those who haven't experienced mind-numbing addiction will find it funny, moving, an education even, an insight. But for those of us who have been down that path, it is a bittersweet cloudy mirror.

BaBel | Backbone
A beautiful, rough, raw, crazy impossibility of show pulled together in two weeks, by international maestro Younes Bachir, a Belgium director renowned for creating amazing large-scale site-specific works.

Chasing Smoke | Casus Circus
What makes Chasing Smoke truly stand-out though is that shines a spotlight on each member of the ensemble. These intimate moments prove to be some of the most powerful of the show.

As If No-one Is Watching | Vulcana Circus and WaW Dance
In As If No-one Is Watching they have created a production that is both an incredibly intimate and dense exploration of women’s internal worlds and a whimsical, gloriously weird, life-affirming celebration of what they can achieve together.