Subtitles Not Included | Thalia Novela
A thunderous applause fills the theatre from the many fans in the audience and the love for Thalia in for her debut show is very present – her comedy is excellent, the costumes and burlesque routines are exquisite.

Blanc de Blanc Encore
Blanc de Blanc Encore delivers a high-paced 100+ minutes of variety-style entertainment, ranging from song, dance and European-style clowning, through to foot-juggling, Chinese pole and aerials. Be ready for a quick and entertaining ride.

Diva Dive | Finucane and Smith
This is a variety show with a travelling circus feel to it, its numerous stunning acts from around the world sewn together by MC Moira, some kind of vampiric love goddess. She carried us through a host of dazzling dances, spine-tinglingly beautiful singing, trapeze, burlesque, boylesque, physical comedy and all manner of gender-defying feats.

Dirty Laundry | Briefs Factory
Briefs Factory’s Dirty Laundry is sexy but it also has a lot of heart and soul. It’s a show that not only dazzles but is also about connection and finding joy and pleasure in moments of uncertainty. It’s a show that will make you wolf-whistle, stomp your feet and leave you thirsty for more.

Banquet | Chevron Showgirls
I’m a sucker for sideshow, and there were some very neatly presented skills on the stage. Better than that, the sideshow was wrapped up in beautiful daydream, where beauties wandered in and out of vision doing nonsensical, fabulous, dangerous things. Sideshow is often a showman’s trick, a five-minute throwaway routine with a big bang finish. This was different, it played with the skills, made them into little stories, eddies in a dream. It was very nice indeed.

Apocalipstick | Polytoxic
Apocalipstick used drag and gender-fuckery to engage the audience through laughter, the absurd, and the excess. There is nothing better to make someone think about serious issues than to make them laugh! Laughter sits with you in a light vein and it makes you come back to the funny sketch again and again looking for one more laugh. Drag invites laughter by highlighting the contradictions of gender through the excess: hoping for a fuck, office tape and markers become the perfect beauty tools for a face-lift and make-up, and thin-glass toxic masculinity is the weapon of the man looking for acceptance in the wolf pack.

Creepy Cabaret | EC Venue and Damien Cassidy
Creepy Cabaret is just that - a tale of fake blood, puppets and blow up dolls, and a homage to sex (or lack of) complete with a twist on risking the status quo. It’s a great show and producer Damien Cassidy has pulled together a diverse international stellar cast in the one room.

WonderWombs | The Dust Palace (NZ)
This is top quality contemporary neo-burlesque. Full of provocations that subvert stereotypes of 'woman', it is righteously sex-positive and utterly refreshing for it. Yeah these girls are hot, but it's never about who is watching, it's all about how good it feels within.

Resting Bitch Face | Common Thread Circus
The four multi-talented circus and physical theatre performers of Common Thread Circus aim to tear down and tear apart stereotypes and archetypes of modern life, particularly those faced by women, while doing it all with a tongue firmly planted in cheek.

Betty Grumble | Sex Clown Saves The World
Adults only, take no prisoners, leave no lover behind; this fucked up take on cabaret literally starts in a tip and ends in a furnace. It is scandalous, it is shocking, it is… political? Totally political. It’s debonair, it’s filthy, it’s fucking weird. It’s proper wired.