SHE | indelabilityarts
SHE is an evocative rollercoaster ride of emotions where the dark, the neutral and the light share the stage equally just like in real life. SHE is at once unsettling, discomforting, provocative, engaging, seamlessly invoking a plethora of emotions ranging from anger to serenity, from dark to light, from pessimism to optimism but above all, from hopelessness to hope. SHE is brave enough to take a deep dive into women and their particular mental health issues.

Hysteria | Chelsea McGuffin & Co and Backbone
I find circus to be a great interpretative tool to represent mental distress. Very much like mental health, the success of circus relies on balancing skills. The main act of Hysteria was funambulism (tightrope), with performers walking and even cycling on the rope throughout the show. What I appreciated the most about these acts of funambulism was when the performers walked together, balanced each other out, and helped each other getting to the other side of the rope. Again, just like mental health, circus is better with the support of other.

Undertow | Shock Therapy Productions
Using the conventions of Epic Theatre, Foster and Jones allowed us to see their transitions in and out of characters and setting in a blacked-out stage. This not only placed an onus on the writing but also connected the characters lives and conflicts, showing that the difference between humans might be a metaphorical change of hat.

Anatomy of a Suicide | Metro Arts and BC Productions Qld
The script weaves in and out of sync whilst three storylines are unravelling at once. Where does one look? How do they link? Who is that character now? This show forces you to stay focused, alert, overwhelmed and silenced whilst each character explores their own tension, grief and loss.

Cosi | THAT Production Company & Mira Ball
The cast was sublime. There was not one actor that was better than the other. Maybe that sounds cliché but it’s the truth. They were a tight knit ensemble, which was exactly what a play like Cosi needs.