Fancy Long Legs | La Boite Theatre & Little Red Company
Honestly, it’s the type of work I’d like to see championed by platforms like Brisbane Festival and La Boite as a general rule. It’s local, it’s ambitious, it’s kind, it’s inclusive, it’s fun... So why did it annoy me so?

Carnival of Animals | CIRCA
Carnival of The Animals has been performed many times (almost 300) since its premiere in 2014, and for this season Circa redid and added sections of the show to include an ensemble of local children. These kids took part in group acrobatics with the Circa ensemble and with each other. It was a sweet addition that suited the show, and many of these kids clearly have a strong acrobatic foundation in which to grow into. It might be them in the professional Circa ensemble in a decade or so.

Holy Bin A Moley | Art for Earthlings
Samantha, Nicolas, and Jennifer are all fantastic actors. Bringing each of the characters they play to life with an understanding of how to perform children’s entertainment, but like those Nickelodeon shows they still manage to have jokes for the adults. They also aren’t afraid to make fun of themselves or show their improvisation skill when the kids are offering their suggestions.

Right To Party | Babushka
Large colourful blow up props sit comfortably within the set, bright and bold objects scattered neatly around the three microphones that accommodate the stellar trio. Add some big hair, fishnets and big socks to top off the vibrancy the cast portrays and a dance party worthy lighting show. The production was kaleidoscopic.