GODZ | Headfirst Acrobats
When we talk about beautiful men, we will often say ‘Awh, he’s like a Greek God’. Headfirst Acrobats take this aphorism and run, giving us GODZ: a one-hour high comedy, high camp, circus extravaganza, all the while keeping it extremely sexy.

Artiste | Brymore Productions
As with many a great clowning performance, the comedy is born from the rules created by the performer and how quickly those boundaries get broken. In this sense, the Artiste was as hilarious a rule breaker as they come.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) (revised) (again) | Sun and Wine Arts Company
Director Ben Kasper tackles this fast-paced work by constantly moving at a break-neck pace, throwing one visual gag after another, so even when one particular joke doesn’t land, there is likely one just around the corner that will bring the house down.