Assume People Like You | Melon The Human
Melon the Human demonstrates clowning at its finest, providing an hour’s worth of circus with the skill of a yesteryear street hustler. He kept us there. Melon’s fluidity in all the balancing, balls, rings, giant cube gags, tennis ball decoys he scatters throughout his performance are masterful. A stellar performance for his first time running this show. Most definitely worth a looksee.

As You Like It | ThunderBear Productions
A classic Shakespearian comedy, As You Like It is a drama that throws a big stick in the spokes of gender norms, what with a cast of characters that wander off the path on ill-conceived adventures, that fall in love quicker than you or I can drink a luke-warm latte, and are inclined to cross-dress without so much as a by-your-leave. It’s quite satisfying then, to see this contemporary staging heavily weighted with women, when once it would have been entirely performed by men.

The Revolutionists | The Curators
The play is a comedy set in Paris during the late-1700s “reign of terror” … At first glance this all seems historical and far-away, but we are brought to the here and now through a comedic exploration of real and present themes: colonial oppression, women’s rights, and the intersectional beneficiaries (and lack thereof) of revolutionary movements.