One Bottle Later | The Good Room
Following Covid-safe distancing and hand-held signs directing us not to speak, we entered into a magical space. The room was beautifully lit by Jason Glenwright with waiters dancing around and making sure everyone was looked after. I felt like I was transported in time to a 1920’s nightclub. The attention to detail was delightful.

The Humours of Bandon | Fishamble
It’s the type of work that does so much with so little that it’s easy to take the meticulous craft on display for granted. There’s something quietly brilliant in giving the protagonist everything they want halfway through a narrative, for example. And, using the obsessive nature of a character to elegantly deliver exposition and frame the audience’s understanding is exceptionally graceful writing.

As If No One Is Watching | Vulcana Circus
As If showcases the diversity of these women's experiences, including the mundane life that forced upon us, our inner demons and how we can take back the night. There is something that everyone will be able to connect with here, and I dare anyone to not be moved by what they see.

Amelia Anonymous | Virag Dombay
There are moments in Amelia Anonymous that are truly memorable. A sustained moment of sitting in the rain, symbolised by blue torches flickering in the darkness over a single figure, is genuinely inspired. The warmth of the various relationships covered by the play starts to shine through beautifully towards its conclusion.

Invisible Things | Alex Mizzen
The show pulls out a lot of darkness, a lot of deep hidden internal thoughts, and I realise about a third of the way through that this is very real for Alex, she is not acting this experience, she is having it.

Notorious Strumpet & Dangerous Girl | Jess Love
The show has enough pithy statements and throwaway jokes that those who haven't experienced mind-numbing addiction will find it funny, moving, an education even, an insight. But for those of us who have been down that path, it is a bittersweet cloudy mirror.