Artiste | Brymore Productions
As with many a great clowning performance, the comedy is born from the rules created by the performer and how quickly those boundaries get broken. In this sense, the Artiste was as hilarious a rule breaker as they come.

Slava's Snowshow
here were marvels galore, and an endless stream of giddy slapstick, which is the simplest and most beautiful form of comedy that exists. It punches neither up nor down. To understand it requires no language not even the speech of toddlers, for they too grasp the innocent amusement of slapstick effortlessly. To try and fail is the human condition, we know it implicitly.

Pierrot | Martelle Simon-Green
[Pierrot] was so intimate. I felt like it was just me and them and the simply dressed stage. I went with them wherever the performers took me. At times the performance was so tiny, but I was still with them, peeking into their stillness. I left feeling quite speechless which isn’t like me.

Moon With A View | Moth Light Theatre
Moon with a View is a whimsical and wacky mixture that is often Monty Pythonesque—and occasionally reminiscent of Michael Bentine’s Potty Time—showcasing Calum Johnston’s acting, improv, balloon-manipulation, and comedic talents.

The Knock 'Em Downs | Clint Bolster & Annie Lee
Lee and Bolster were painfully ambivalent, even indifferent, to anyone and everyone’s presence. And best of all, when audience’s participation didn’t cut the mustard, they made no attempt to hide their disappointment. If your ball throwing skills were aimless, you knew it. If you took too long to hand over your ticket, you knew it. If your hoop throws onto the pointy clown noses were lacklustre, you knew it. And not just because of the clown’s body language – with impatient eyes and slouched shoulders – but also because of the ‘loser’ sound que they’d hit each time someone’s efforts deserved public condemnation.

The Anniversary | Salvador Dinosaur
I’m not even going to try to mince words, The Anniversary is a physical comedy masterclass. The performances, direction, physical comedy, sets, props, puppetry – basically everything - combine to create a rollercoaster of a ride that had me crying with laughter throughout. If you are a fan of absurdist comedy, clown or dark humour, do not miss this one if it comes to a theatre near you.

The Most Spectacular Cake | You Me Three Clown Co
Obvious spoiler warning, the cake ends up all over the stage. We know it's going to happen. There's clowns, there's cake, there's plastic wrap on the floor, we know where it's going to end up. In less skilled hands, this could detract from performance. However, Wren and Ash build everything up to the greatest crescendo possible, before each accident happens with an unexpected twist that's more ridiculous than the last. This is good old fashioned slapstick at its finest that left all in the audience bellowing with laughter.

A lovepoem made with circus, theatre and dark clowning
If you love dark clowning, random acts of senseless kindness, or mysterious and strange works of art that enliven the imagination and bravely go wherever they need to go, you will love this.

Let the Red Lady take you on a journey through relatable, darkly comic and stylised stories about human survival through the eyes of a Bouffon clown
Get Her Outta Here is a look at today’s society through the eyes of a Bouffon clown; Red Lady. It is a show made up of relatable, darkly comic and stylised stories about human survival. My Red Lady makes an unflinching, and richly poetic stand against being objectified and owned by the male gaze.