Pygmalion | Minola Theatre
To answer the question of ‘Why this play?’ and ‘Why now?’. Based on Dekker’s direction, I’d argue that it was to remind us all that just because we may have the opportunity or resources to change someone’s lives who we believe is lesser than us, it doesn’t mean that we should. I’ll let you simmer on that…

When The Rain Stops Falling | Brisbane Arts Theatre
When The Rain Stops Falling will bring you an experience of sorrow, love, life and death in the same heartbeat. This is a beautifully written and wonderfully performed theatre piece, you do not want to miss it.

Underworld: An Operatic Journey to Hell and Back | Queensland Conservatorium
All-in-all while Underworld has much to answer for dramaturgically it is a night bubbling with the promise of a new generation of operatic stars.

Duck Pond | Circa
If you enjoy seeing circus performances, you’ll enjoy this show. The cast do a wonderful job and display a wide range of fabulous skills. It won’t be a production that leaves a life-changing impression on you, but you will enjoy it even if you leave somewhat confused by the overall narrative. If, like me, you go in as an audience member with a critical eye for circus and dance productions and with a knowledge of the classical greats however, you may leave somewhat disappointed and confused.

The Mystery of the Valkyrie | Woodward Productions & PowerArts
Sherlock Holmes aficionados will love the twists and turns of the story that Director & Writer Michael Futcher brings and the relationship established by an exceptionally well-cast Holmes and Watson duo. Eugene Gilfedder really is Sherlock Holmes, and Anthony Gooley’s Dr John Watson was suitably endearing and enjoyable.