Hide The Dog | Nathan Maynard & Jamie McCaskill
As a first generation immigrant mother endeavouring to teach her daughter to have pride in her ancestry and speak her language confidently, I cannot stress the primacy of plays such as ‘Hide the Dog’ being supported and presented on multiple platforms.

Shakespeare's Othello | Queensland Theatre
On the night of my attendance, it was interesting to note the array of ages in the audience, many of whom could have been in my very own children's age category. Methinks a testament to the enduring nature of Shakespeare’s works? Impressive to note was the resounding applause, standing ovation and numerous curtain calls. Again methinks a testament to the enduring nature of Shakespeare’s works!

Holding Achilles | Dead Puppet Society & Legs on the Wall
And the way the tension between the two was established and then built was a masterclass. From the moment they first met and instantly hated each other, to a building of respect and trust, to the furtive, lingering glances, until that final kiss, the punters were with them every step of the way. I have never heard an audience explode with cheers and applause like they did when the pair finally kissed near the end of the first half. I’m sure that there were a number of people in the audience that also found it just a wee bit life affirming.

For Honeyman Street | Sean Sennett & Band
Having six female vocalists to call upon meant that Sennett was able to craft a set that touched on a different aspects of love, and embraced a variety of musical styles. From country to rock, from Bowie influences through to a Beatles vibe, and from funkier pieces through to soft rock. Not at all bad for just one hour.

Demolition | Polytoxic
Polytoxic’s show Demolition is not only a staggering showcasing of Circus and Theatre, it is a moving and uplifting Call-To-Arms. The effortless shift of scenes drew my senses in and catapulted me from issue to issue that many women in this world face on a daily basis.