Another parliamentary inquiry into the arts, or, who gives a f*ck about your opinion?
Public opinion is a significant force in the political realm. And whilst public opinion may not always markedly influence the nitty gritty details of public policy, it certainly shapes the boundaries that limit it. Like an artist whose prior experience and choice of tools influence the sculpting of a block of clay into something more meaningful, in Australia, a democratic nation, public opinion shapes government action to fashion public policy.

The Outhouse | Phoebe Manning & Sarah O'Shanesy
We all crammed into a tiny house in Highgate Hill in a manner reminiscent of many clowns jammed into a tiny car. Sitting on laps and crouching in corners, we settled in on top of each other and traveled together on a whimsical journey.

Unleashed Pt. 2 | Vulcana Circus + special guests Prying Eye
It is important to have these kind of discussions, where the fourth wall is not only removed, but we get to go back stage. Oftentimes conversations only occur between artist and director, and perhaps a few close confidants. While not essential, having the opportunity to present works in development oftentimes adds to the developmental process.