GODZ | Head First Acrobats
Having an all-male cast of physically fit circus artists and calling your show GODZ could easily be the set-up of something quite cringy; but I was delighted to have that option cast aside from the moment the show began. Lights shone down on Apollo, Cupid, Dionysus, and Hercules, starting the show with some very skilled and very silly group acrobatics. The team of godly larrikins from Head First Acrobats then treated the audience to a fast-paced and hilarious hour of Greek mythology inspired hijinks where nothing was sacred.

Circus’cision | Head First Acrobats & Guests
Growing up in rural Australia, the circus is just that: the cliché one that would come to town every now and then. There wasn’t anything particularly bad about those circuses, but they never could grab my attention in the way Circus’cision does. It’s different and brands itself on being a more adult oriented circus cabaret promising delightfully offensive language and the tease of potential nudity.