Five Shows to Take Your Eccentric Bohemian Mum To

The best Brisvegas event of the year, aka Anywhere Festival, is fast approaching, as is Mother’s Day. And I know for a fact that a lot of us, including myself, have an eccentric bohemian one who would thrive watching indie, quirky fringe theatre. So, why not give her the gift of theatre and take her to see one of these shows. One knows, you may even see me and my Mum there…

The Importance of Being Wasted

Presented by Act/React, this show is what appears to be an alcohol induced adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s classic comedy in which half the cast is rumoured to be half cut before the curtain opens.

Why take your eccentric mother? Because you will finally be able to tell your friends and co-workersthat you and your mum put the lit in literature.


Absolute Trash

Presented by Glitter Martini, this show features a group of circus artists who do amazing things with their bodies. Things you and I, and your quirky mum, would only dream of doing.Whilst it is unclear whether they literally embody trash, there will be lots of air action and I imagine lots of floor action, and maybe even audience interaction. Why take your eccentric mother? You can both embrace your garbage monster within and see, what I imagine, will be a work featuring good quality trash.

Read our interview with one of the creators of Absolute Trash.


Very Stable Geniuses

Picture this: Magician Pete Booth and mentalist Sean Mergard recreating history’s most bizarre acts of mental dexterity and cognitive capacity. Does that not sound mind-blowingly amazing to you?

Why take your eccentric mother? You’ll get to watch superhuman displays of mental prowess and dirty tricks and be bonded for life. What a bargain.


The Wake

I heard on the grapevine that this improvised musical comedy gives you, the audience the chance to choose which one of the cast is the deceased, how they died and who they were. Even just reading that synopsis, I get this rush of adrenaline and exhilaration. Why take your eccentric mother? You’ll get to celebrate someone’s life and death together of a stranger. Is there a better way to spend a Friday night? I think not.

Read our interview with one of the creators of The Wake.


The Time Travel Café

I’ll admit it, when I first read this title I immediately thought of Doctor Who. Unfortunately, it’s not about Doctor Who, but the premise of it sounds even better. It’s an hour long immersive experience in which you get to explore multiple narrative strands and interact with time travellers throughout history. Why take your eccentric mother? You get to go to jump back in time and go to a 60-minute immersive theatre party, reminiscent of the Parisian salon culture of the early 1920’s. What a dream come true.

The creators of The Time Travel Cafe think you might feel right at home at the Time Travel Café if you enjoyed Midnight In Paris or The Great Gatsby, but also love Back to the Future or Salvador Dali. Read more in our interview with one of the creators here.

Virag Dombay

Virag Dombay is a multidisciplinary artist whose creative practice includes working as a director, playwright, actor and teaching artist. Having recently graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drama) at QUT, she’s performed and trained with a plethora of theatre companies in Brisbane and has performed original works at the Brisbane Powerhouse and Metro Arts.

She loves storytelling - whether it be for young or old -, inspiring creativity for the children she teaches and direct and encourage people to consume more theatre through writing wickedly amazing reviews.


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Five shows for enterprising private eyes