Five shows for ethereal beings who love magic!

I am actually a giddy kid with magic tricks. Ever since I was a little kid, right to my very adult self, a good magic trick gets me all excited! Here’s some Anywhere Festival shows with real magic, really actually real magic, and mysterious magickal themes for all those lovers of otherworldly impossibilities.


Aaron Ducker is a Master of Delusions, who has made one very great reveal. He is a high-function autistic. In this show we get a range of magic tricks plus a dispelling of myth and cliché about autism. Cast aside preconceptions and step into his overactive little mind.

Read our interview with Aaron Ducker.


Very Stable Geniuses

I fricken love magicians, and mentalists scare me half to death but I can’t keep away. In this show a magician and a mentalist team up and recreate some of history’s most inexplicable acts of mental dexterity and cognitive capacity. Prepare to question reality.


The Great Grandiosa

From the hilarious team at Act/React, meet the Divine Diva of Delphian Derring-Do! She is A 100% legitimate psychic and medium so rare she is almost well-done, The Great Grandiosa is ready to offer you spiritual succour, fortune telling and wisdom from the Other Worlds. Any display of psychic prowess is purely coincidental. OR IS IT? Yes, yes it is.


The Play About Wizards And Music In A Village Somewhere

As far as I can tell, this is the story behind the story of the lord of the rings – that of the ordinary townfolk and their petty rivalries. Welcome to Villhedgetowne – home to Marlon and Guylian, two wizard apprentices who decide to use their magic to cheat in the upcoming Spring Festival Music Competition to settle their long-time rivalry once and for all.


Campfire Cabaret: The Legend of Deirdre

A druid’s prophecy about a magickal young woman, sung to you by the campfire. A journey into the magical ancient world of Irish mythology, this evocative evening looks like a real earthy treat.

Read our interview with one of the creators of Campfire Cabaret: The Legend of Dierdre.

Nadia Jade

Nadia Jade is a Brisbane-based creative and entrepreneur with a bent for a well-turned phrase and an unerring sense of the zeitgeist. She watches a disproportionate amount of live performance and can usually be found slouching around the various circus warehouses of Brisneyland.


Five shows in places you’d never expect


Audiences will experience the camaraderie of sharing in stories and music around the campfire