Betsy & I | indelabilityarts
review, theatre Kristy Stanfield review, theatre Kristy Stanfield

Betsy & I | indelabilityarts

Language is how we relate ideas to each other, and not having language for an experience can be as good as total isolation in it. Through learning the words for her experience, Ivy was able to reach out to those around her and say, “This is who I am. This life is mine, and it’s not yours to define for me”.

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Sheltered | Kathryn Hall
review, theatre Catherine Lawrence review, theatre Catherine Lawrence

Sheltered | Kathryn Hall

Kathryn Hall’s Sheltered is a charming, clever, cheeky, and compelling show (beautifully directed by Andi Snelling). Kathryn is disarmingly honest, speaking directly to the audience about the difficulties of leaving home, and establishing an independent life, while living with cerebral palsy.

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Zagazig | Curtain World
theatre, review Nadia Jade theatre, review Nadia Jade

Zagazig | Curtain World

Zagazig is a beautiful daydream made manifest, I hope it rises again and again, and for all that it will likely get tighter and have better funding in the future, and possible more rehearsals, actual stage hands, and all that other periphery, this beautiful cacophony of original handmade nonsense will always have a soft spot in my heart.

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Capricorn | Aidan Rowlingson
review, theatre Virag Dombay review, theatre Virag Dombay

Capricorn | Aidan Rowlingson

The first forty-five minutes of the play was some of the most powerful theatre I’ve seen as Dow and Latrise were engaging in an tennis match of absurd proportions about their inner frustrations with themselves and each other, with Llewy-Allan providing comedic quips to add more bounce.

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review, theatre Georgia McKenzie review, theatre Georgia McKenzie


This extravagant new work by IMRSE is a feast for the senses and an unapologetic exploration of cancel culture and the concept of an invariable history writing itself. Expect no less than extreme over-dramatics–in the best way, I promise! CAKE is hilarious, sexy, and high energy, offering a deeply satisfying way to spend a night out. 

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Proof | Ad Astra
theatre, review Sarah McNally theatre, review Sarah McNally

Proof | Ad Astra

The actors really owned the sister relationship and there were many beautiful moments of connection in the play. A highlight is where Claire and Catherine are talking about a dress, something seemingly so small but there is a pause where I could feel the entire weight of their relationship and their grief for their father. In such a small moment you could see these two sisters really connect and be completely open and vulnerable with each other without having to say a word.

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The Father | PIP Theatre
review, theatre Writeousness review, theatre Writeousness

The Father | PIP Theatre

Tony Nixon’s on stage persona as Andre is flawless - he realistically embodies the role of a person with dementia who is convincing in his struggles to understand the rapid decline of his mind and wellbeing. His physical stance, range of facial expressions, rare lucent moments versus ever increasing memory loss coupled with uncontrollable nervous tics signify the transformational changes and damage of dementia.

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The Turquoise Elephant | Observatory Theatre
review, theatre Catherine Lawrence review, theatre Catherine Lawrence

The Turquoise Elephant | Observatory Theatre

As Director Lachlan Driscoll notes, ‘each character has their bonkers idea of what’s going on outside and how to cope” Carleton observes that ‘we do nothing on a grander and grander scale’. And what, the play asks us, is there to be done? Who should do it?’ In such a situation, an absurdist, black farce is absolutely the way in which to encourage audiences to face up to current reality—and to start to talk about the ‘elephant in the room’ (now, for me, forever turquoise!).

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34 Scenes About the Weather | Lunch Friend & Anywhere Festival
review, theatre Virag Dombay review, theatre Virag Dombay

34 Scenes About the Weather | Lunch Friend & Anywhere Festival

Featuring 34 Playwrights including two of Brisvegas’s treasures David Burton and Claire Christian, each scene had a distinctive tone and voice, even if sometimes the content sometimes overlapped. Actors Eliza Allen, Harrison Paroz, Jordan Stott and Grace Teng all had their own unique presence on stage and acting prowess. Even off-stage, when they were manually creating weather sound effects – such a brilliant addition – they carried that presence and watchability with them.

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Recipe for Relativity | Here + There Productions & Anywhere Festival 
review, theatre Darcie Rae review, theatre Darcie Rae

Recipe for Relativity | Here + There Productions & Anywhere Festival 

The “escape” for this unique Anywhere Festival experience was to assist dimension hopping Hadley to leave our dimension before their DNA broke down from too much inter-dimensional exposure. To help them escape, we were asked to fix their traveling device, a meticulously crafted object that had multiple dials, lights, and doors to fiddle with made by show producer Regan Henry.

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I'm Not Entirely Here | Vena Cava Productions & Anywhere Festival
review, theatre Kaylee Vera review, theatre Kaylee Vera

I'm Not Entirely Here | Vena Cava Productions & Anywhere Festival

While it was impossible to be present for every character interaction or read every scribbled note, I was able to create a complete understanding of the plot. The cast achieved this through moments where all present characters came together to move the plot along. As a result, everyone's experience at I'm not entirely here will be unique, but every experience will also be complete.

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