The Nest | Chance Collective
Sometimes you see a bit of art that is so stupidly fruity, you get a little giddy. From the wantonly creative women at Chance Collective comes a deliciously strange and unrepentantly weird wander into a surreal date night. Straight up, no apologies, this is my jam.

Whiplash | Scott Wings
Whiplash starts as a seemingly straightforward journey into how the disparate parts of Scott’s body battle for control on an awkward first date. Performing on a bare stage with just a stool, a music player and a whole lot of charm, Scott utilises every inch of the space and contorts his body into all manner of ways to take us with him on his hero's journey in the search of his heart.

What I’m Here For | Elbow Room
It was enjoyable watching the actors interact with individuals walking by but it was just as intriguing the passers-by try to piece together what was happening in front of them and there was a group of about twenty individuals staring at two or more particular people with headsets on. Some stopped to take photos, others tried to listen in but some just walked by...

Crunch Time | Counterpilot
There’s an explicit attempt to link the democratic processes at play in the work’s conception with debates and developments happening around global politics. Sibthorpe’s notes reference Brexit and Trump. There’s a development within the work that explicitly plays with the idea of leadership spills. If there’s a moment that elevates CrunchTime above a good dinner party, it’s that one.

La Silhouette | Sui Ensemble
Created by Brissie legends Sui Ensemble, this was a roller-coaster of thrills and spills and colourful mayhem, with a brutal message of home truths revealed layer by layer like a very dangerous game of pass the parcel.

Ride | Backbone Ensemble
The nature of the tiny venues - the inside of a car - and the lively Saturday night timeslot - makes for an intimate confessional that has guest spilling secrets and demanding phone-jacks. The whole show has a feeling of risk, the kind of chance you take when you jump into a car with a stranger.

Betty Grumble | Sex Clown Saves The World
Adults only, take no prisoners, leave no lover behind; this fucked up take on cabaret literally starts in a tip and ends in a furnace. It is scandalous, it is shocking, it is… political? Totally political. It’s debonair, it’s filthy, it’s fucking weird. It’s proper wired.

The Bluebird Mechanicals | Too Close to the Sun
Time moves, stands still. The narrator tells us our future. She has something to say. She has gone to great trouble to craft the tale. She has come a long way to tell us the story. We had best listen.

Cargo Club | CfAT & DarahRouge @ MetroArts
These artists have made deeply personal work; the line between script and history is too blurry to grasp. These are stories that need told, and these are the people that need to tell them.In a stunning collaboration, these ten diverse and talented artists have created a work that is sublime, ethereal and very, very raw.

The Return of the Angry Mime
There’s something really lovely about stages like these. As our host pointed out early in the piece, you may be treated to great glory, or witness to failure, and that is beautiful in itself.