The David Bentley Trio | Restrung Festival

The David Bentley trio’s performance at Restrung Festival was a night of rhythm and jazz.

This past weekend was the much-awaited return of Metro Arts’ Restrung Festival; a three-day program of strings-driven music and art from both emerging and celebrated talents. One of these celebrated talents was The David Bentley Trio, who took to the stage on the Saturday evening of the festival.

Led by Brisbane’s accomplished jazz/blues pianist and composer David Bentley and joined by Brisbane musicians Andrew Shaw (bass) and Nathan Goldman (drums), the trio played a number of jazz standards and original songs; all which left the audience gleefully tapping their feet.

The trio was joined by multi-award-winning world-renowned jazz and classical violinist/improviser and composer Shenzo Gregorio, who I’d seen perform live at various jazz gigs before, who’s work on the violent was just as a captivating as ever. Another special guest was Restrung festival curator and classically-trained award-winning cellist Danielle Bentley who truly animated the jazz standards.

For those that know me, know how much I love jazz and what I love the most about watching a jazz concert, are the musician’s improvisations and these guys did not disappoint. I particularly enjoyed the moments we got to spend with Shaw and watch his fingers meticulously run up and down the bass.

However, during most of the performance when leader of the group Bentley wasn’t singing, he was humming off-tune into the microphone which was jarring to the feel, flow and sound of the piece. It was slightly distracting and resulted in the bands’ sound seeming disjointed which I imagine was not what they were looking for.

Looking forward to seeing where the trio plays next.

Virag Dombay

Virag Dombay is a multidisciplinary artist whose creative practice includes working as a director, playwright, actor and teaching artist. Having recently graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drama) at QUT, she’s performed and trained with a plethora of theatre companies in Brisbane and has performed original works at the Brisbane Powerhouse and Metro Arts.

She loves storytelling - whether it be for young or old -, inspiring creativity for the children she teaches and direct and encourage people to consume more theatre through writing wickedly amazing reviews.


"I would have loved to have read these stories when I was young" - Virag Dombay


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