Authentic, improvised storytelling of the relationships, drama and struggles of high school students

Xannel Mangahas from the ImproMafia is the director of the show, The Classroom, which is featuring in the 2021 Anywhere Festival. Xannel has been one of ImproMafia’s regular performers since 2016.

Tell us about the show in 100 words or less

The Classroom is an improvised show that follows the characters, relationships and drama of a bunch of teenage high school students. The show is unscripted and entirely based on offers from the audience.

Anywhere Festival takes place anywhere but a theatre. Tell us about your venue. What is it about your space that adds to your audience experience?

The show takes place in the library of an actual school in Brisbane. The fact that the show is set in a school as well as being physically performed at a school allows the audience and the performers to immerse themselves in the stories of the characters and feel as if they are actually experiencing real life school drama unfold.

What is your creative process like?

In preparation for the show, we will do a number of rehearsals. I often get asked how you can rehearse for a show that is improvised. It is true that the characters, the story and the content of the show are all made up during the show. The purpose of the rehearsals is more so to ensure that there is good chemistry between cast members, and we do this by practicing improvising scenes and stories that won’t be reproduced at the show. So whilst we don’t practice the content of the show, we can practice how to construct scenes and stories, as well as our improvisation techniques.

Tell us your origin story. How did your collaboration start?

Not much to say here really. A few of the cast members and I just sat down one afternoon, cup of tea in hand, and just brainstormed a couple of cool ideas for an improvised show. The Classroom was the winner.

Who is your perfect audience member? Who is going to LOVE this event?

When people think improvisation, they think comedy, and whilst comedy is an important part of the show, improvisation is a lot more diverse than that. If you want to see an authentic, improvised storytelling of the relationships, drama and struggles of students at a high school, then this is the show for you.

Is there anything else we simply MUST know about the show?

The show is based on suggestions from the audience. So be prepared to give us some of your ideas!

The Classroom takes place as part of Anywhere Festival from the 13 – 15 May at Our Lady of the Angels’ School.

Nadia Jade

Nadia Jade is a Brisbane-based creative and entrepreneur with a bent for a well-turned phrase and an unerring sense of the zeitgeist. She watches a disproportionate amount of live performance and can usually be found slouching around the various circus warehouses of Brisneyland.


Strangeness, dislocation, complexity, displacement, belonging - real and imaginary stories of arrival and departure


Sludge Bank | Chance Collective