Jean Paul Gaultier’s Fashion Freak Show | Jean Paul Gaultier & Brisbane Festival
Fun, flashy, and fantastical; Jean Paul Gaultier’s Fashion Freak Show is a love letter to fashion geeks, theatre freaks, and the super chic everywhere. It’s a spectacular night of entertainment that takes to a world where everything and everyone can be (and is) beautiful. You do not want to miss it.

Fun Home | PIP Theatre
Even though lesbian representation isn’t as rare or poor as it was 10 years ago, it still makes me feel warm and fuzzy when I see it. So of course one of my favourite songs was ‘Changing My Major’ where College Alison sings about her new girlfriend after coming out and sleeping with her for the first time. In this piece Enright’s performance perfectly captured the awkward joy of ‘leaping out of the closet’.

The Making of Pinocchio | Rosana Cade & Ivor Macaskill
Ultimately, The Making of Pinocchio is not a grand story looking to shake up gender politics, it is an autobiographical show presented by two individuals telling their story.

Fourteen | shake & stir theatre co.
There is so much material included that is ripe for nuanced and fresh commentary about the Queer experience, especially in rural communities, but it is so often sprinkled over the top of a single scene and never interrogated again. This is not to say every narrative thread must be tied off neatly but when so few of them are, it begins to make the work feel incohesive.

Meanjin is Burning: Ella Ganza and the local Ballroom community on the upcoming Alexander Ball. "I want Meanjin to be the capital of Ballroom in Australia."
Ballroom and the Ball is everything that is fashion, that is high-energy. It is going to be that
event you never knew you needed until you go. You don’t have to be a Queer person, a Person of
Colour, or a Queer Person of Colour to appreciate Ballroom. Because what it also stands for individuality. We don’t want another so-and-so. We want you to be authentically you. That’s why for me Ballroom is that one place where you are guaranteed to be jaw-dropped. You’ll leave saying you never knew how much you needed it in your life.