Momentum | WOW (Women of the World) Australia
The series explored what the notion of ‘momentum’ means for the feminist movement and how it differs dependent on various intersectional feminisms. The three events – Women Who Dare, First Nations First, and The Making of Men – each opened up important conversations and placed a spotlight on feminist and other social issues.

An Afternoon with Colin Peterson | Colin Peterson & Ron Kelly
Peterson’s passion for entertaining a crowd is palpable. He told the story of playing with musicians at the old Cloudland Dance Hall as a child, where he would be hiding in the bass drum only to emerge three hours later to a roaring crowd. “One spotlight, that’s all it took. And we had ‘em,” he recounted with glee.

An Afternoon with Colin Peterson | Colin Peterson & Ron Kelly
Caught up in the stories of his many brushes with frame, our time with Colin flew by all too quickly. The audience was enraptured throughout, thanks to both Ron’s expert guidance and Colin’s many annecdotes of his life in the spotlight. Despite not knowing much about Colin’s career myself, the combination of guided story-telling and Colin’s honest reflections, with photos and videos from Colin’s career made for an engaging hour on a hot and muggy Sunday afternoon.