In Ireland and Scotland the Wake for someone who has passed is more often than not held at a pub.
‘The Wake’ is an improvised musical show centred around a Wake for one of the cast. The audience chooses which cast member is going to be the deceased on the night and the show unfolds about their life. A delightful mix of stories, songs and scenes inspired by the audience – with laughs aplenty!

'If you love taking the mickey out of pompous buffoons, you will love this show.' - Natalie Bochenski on 'The Great Grandiosa'
The Great Grandiosa is a comedy spoof on the larger-than-life world of psychics, mystics, and other grifters. The Great Grandiosa believes she can offer spiritual succour, fortune telling and wisdom from the Other Worlds. Mostly she’s just got a lot of BS, some blindly devoted Acolytes and her catchphrase, “Success!”.