Five Shows for Teens and young adults to check out at Brisfest this year!
For Brisvegas residents, Brisbane Festival is the most wonderful time of the year. It is a time when art is celebrated and rejuvenated. A time when theatregoers roam the streets; a glass of red wine in hand, hopping from one show to the next. If you have a teen that is itching to get into theatre or maybe you have a teen that’s never been exposed to theatre before, here are your must sees of this years season.

"Every possible aspect of what the audience may experience must be thought through." Kirsten Siddle dishes on 'Love Lust Lost'.
The work has been in creative development for almost three years, so we’re pretty thrilled that it’s finally premiered. Creating immersive theatre is challenging! There is an infinite amount of detail involved, everything must be layered and layered over each other and absolutely every possible touchpoint and aspect of what the audience may (or may not) experience must be thought through, carefully curated and dramaturgically analysed. There’s a team of more than 100 superstars behind this show, so there’s a lot of moving parts, but the team is a true powerhouse and every problem is tackled with creativity, flair and determination.