So you got the grant, what’s next?
A while back I wrote an op-ed on how to prepare a grant and work with a writer on crafting a decent application. Now let’s talk about getting the first successful grant and what to do and what NOT to do. It feels like winning the lotto 100%, but stuff has just gotten real and you’re probably totally wigging out now.

A fundamental guide to bullet proofing your grant process
Grants are something that are not for the faint of heart. They take grit, commitment, self-confidence, honesty and passion. I was not expecting it to become something that I really enjoy doing, like I love the learning, the process, the people and the projects and that’s why many writers do it. Although we are few and far between, we share commonalities and have similar experiences. There are definitely dos and don’ts along the way – for how we engage with you and how you engage with us.