Love Lust Lost | Broad Encounters
It’s almost impossible to describe the experience to someone if they’ve never attended an immersive theatre show. It’s part musical, part Choose Your Own Adventure, part adult playground, and part fever dream, with a dash of meta-narrative and so much more. If you attended Broad Encounter’s record breaking run of A Midnight Visit last year, you’ll have an idea about what to expect – gloriously detailed set design that you’ll want to explore at length, beautifully twisted characters roaming the sets, secret passages, numerous secrets about the world that can be found throughout the rooms and interactions with the characters and even a few puzzles to get lost in. All the stuff that you’d expect from a good immersive theatre show.

A Midnight Visit | Broad Encounters
What the creative team of A Midnight Visit have created is truly something wonderful that transported me into a world where my imagination could run wild. I felt childlike exploring the rooms and listening to the characters, as though I was romping around an exciting large playground for the first time.