While it borrows traditional gaming elements, it also plays our as a documentary. It’s an opportunity to learn about a different culture and heritage as well as a current society in a different part of the world. And with it being created by not only Violetta Ayala, but a team of female Andean artists and POC designers, it brings a genuine authenticity in the work that they’re sharing.

A citizen science group that attempts to contact alien life through the internet
“An artistic mentor of mine used to say ‘confront the materials’. I think this idea holds true with technology as well. You have to confront what the material of your show is, even if it is virtual. I am filled with a kind of dread about the power that is concentrating in the companies that connect us. Over recent years a hugely powerful force has been unleashed through social media, one that possesses us in strange ways and uses us for its own ends. It reminded me of movies like The Thing, it was like a monster has emerged in our world. So I took that genre and decided a shlock horror story would be a fun way to explore our feelings around surveillance capitalism, privacy and the power of big data and artificial intelligence.”