Conviction | The Hive Collective
Beginning in darkness, four figures barely visible on stage, the tension is palpable. Together they deliver the one punchy monologue, setting the scene inside the wandering and turbulent creative mind of our protagonist, a self-critical independent writer. When the lights switch on, the characters launch into action in the writer’s latest play and we watch the action unfold seemingly as it is being written, edited, unwritten, and changed.

Elektra/Orestes | The Hive Collective
To me, Elektra/Orestes highlighted complex family relations, and in particular fraught mother-daughter relations. After all, Sophocles’ Electra inspired Carl Jung’s Electra complex, a psychoanalytical term to describe a girl’s attachment to the mother marked by a sense of competition over the father’s love and attention. The play also made me reflect on the dangers of self-righteousness and the malaise caused by the inability to put oneself in the shoes of others.

The Bull, The Moon & the Coronet of Stars by Van Badham | Directed By Heidi Manché
I am a mere handful of years younger than our playwright and I recognised the tropes enough to know them for what they were – the blue summer dress, the man-hungry vixen, the affair that misfires when a younger woman throws herself at an attractive married man, his classic retreat to the wife, the larrikin who successfully woos the broken-hearted self-imposed-abstinent woman (he “knows about women”). These are the stories that filled a hundred novels when I was a voraciously-read teen and I think I liked them better then than I do now.