The Bluff | The Drawer Productions
The Bluff is an Australian Gothic play that utilises all of the tropes of the genre to full effect to explore the impacts of a tragic event on a small community, the burden of guilt and shame, the effects of gossip and rumour and the very question of our own existence. There are marshlands, apparitions, isolation, guilt and so, so many secrets; all the good gothic stuff. And this is all finely balanced by enough light moments that we don’t get sucked into complete maudlin Wuthering Heights territory.

Hello, Stranger! | The Drawer Productions
Wonderfully written and directed and full of beautiful, nuanced performances, Hello, Stranger showcases the incredible talents of The Drawer Productions. Moving, challenging, educative, funny and full it impactful moments that have stayed with me, it was another standout production from one of Meanjin’s companies to watch. It was certainly one of the standout shows of the 2022 Anywhere Festival for me.

Shelter | The Drawer Productions
Intricately woven, utterly impressive, and a crash-course in ancestral healing. Shelter deserves all the success it has had commercially and critically, as well as the success I am sure is coming in the near-future. I am so glad I was able to experience this work.

Shelter | The Drawer Productions
The lighting and sound was used really effectively to direct me and I really liked being pulled around the space by voices from another room, coloured flashes of light or a tv being turned on. On top of this, because there was so much to look at and dig through, as well as sometimes multiple scenes being done at once, you had a lot of power as an individual audience member to shape your view of the story.

SHELTER | The Drawer Productions
SHELTER is a powerful and moving performance. I’d encourage anyone interested in immersive theatre to check it out if it gets the opportunity to run again. There’s a lot more to it than what I have touched on, but a big part of the experience is going in not knowing much and watching the mystery unfold, interacting with the bunker and following the Chapman family around as their complex relationships with each other are played out for us in a close and personal way.