Dragspeare: Drag Kings do Shakespeare
The Stallion Squad are a singing, dancing, stripping band of kings on a regional tour from Innisfail to Goondiwindi. Feeling stuck in groundhog day doing their usual sexy choreography they decide to get serious and add some Shakespeare to their show. Absolute hilarity, a touch of romance and unabashed queerness ensues.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) (revised) (again) | Sun and Wine Arts Company
Director Ben Kasper tackles this fast-paced work by constantly moving at a break-neck pace, throwing one visual gag after another, so even when one particular joke doesn’t land, there is likely one just around the corner that will bring the house down.

Macbeth in Concert | Opera Queensland & Queensland Symphony Orchestra
Macbeth in Concert is an object lesson in what is possible when a group of people who have trained to do something exceptionally their entire lives gather in a room together and do that something exceptionally. The orchestra, led by conductor Umberto Clerici, is truly a wonder to behold. Their work in combination with Opera Queensland’s company meant the sheer sonic power of a number of sequences left with me chills, in particular the full-company scene that takes place after King Duncan is murdered.

Shakespeare's Othello | Queensland Theatre
On the night of my attendance, it was interesting to note the array of ages in the audience, many of whom could have been in my very own children's age category. Methinks a testament to the enduring nature of Shakespeare’s works? Impressive to note was the resounding applause, standing ovation and numerous curtain calls. Again methinks a testament to the enduring nature of Shakespeare’s works!

Romeo & Juliet | Queensland Shakespeare Ensemble
If you haven’t seen ‘a Shakespeare,’ then the Queensland Shakespeare Ensemble’s (QSE) Romeo & Juliet is a highly-accessible doorway into the Bard’s work. Love at first sight ends badly for the star-crossed lovers, but results in the end of a long-standing feud between their waring families. Go along to experience the anguish of love and loss, with great fight scenes, tender romantic moments, youthful rebellion, live original music, and memorable comic interludes.

"How often do women get to play these roles? And more, how often do audiences get to see this?" Liliana Macarone on playing THE romantic hero in Qld Shakespeare Ensemble's 'Romeo & Juliet'.
I think people would be more accepting of a female Richard III doing villainous things, than a female Romeo wooing a young girl. And this is surely the reason why I never expected the opportunity to play Romeo. Also, our culture tends to pigeon-hole full-bodied women (I am not physically boyish), and limit what women can play once they hit their 40s, which in my opinion really makes this representation significant. It’s exhilarating to get to play the romantic hero – with all his freedom and agency – winning the girl and defying the stars! How often do women get to play these roles? And more, how often do audiences get to see this?

Caesar | La Boite
Caesar isn’t really an adaptation of Julius Caesar, it’s a show about actors putting on a play. In fact, it wasn’t really about putting on a play, but more so about the disputes and individual philosophies between the actors. It’s all very meta.

As You Like It | ThunderBear Productions
A classic Shakespearian comedy, As You Like It is a drama that throws a big stick in the spokes of gender norms, what with a cast of characters that wander off the path on ill-conceived adventures, that fall in love quicker than you or I can drink a luke-warm latte, and are inclined to cross-dress without so much as a by-your-leave. It’s quite satisfying then, to see this contemporary staging heavily weighted with women, when once it would have been entirely performed by men.

Get ready for 'Bard in the Yard', a down to earth experience that anyone can enjoy and immerse themselves in
This show has a strong and predominantly female cast, though all the actors possesses a high calibre of unique performance skills that have added new elements to this popular play. In particular, our male love-interest, Orlando will be played by a female against a female Rosalind to bend the traditional casting of the play while retaining the gender dynamic of the two main characters.

Danger Ensemble | The Hamlet Apocalypse
This show gets it. It gets that Shakespeare is funny. It gets that it ought to mean something. It pokes fun of it, whilst taking itself seriously at the same time. It is committed to the original, even as it tears it apart with both hands. It gets that tragedy is a car-crash, that you can't tear your eyes away from.