Betwixt | Pink Matter Culture
Every aspect of this work is deeply purposeful. The sequence of the stories speaks to the relationship between the elements. We see the water dance with the air, who in turn fuels the fire, who in turn cleanses the earth, before spirit comes and weaves them all together. Each story is so raw and specific to the performer it belongs to but is told in universal ways.

Betwixt | Pink Matter
Betwixt invited the audience into the ‘In Between’: a space where words connected to movements and movements connected to music to tell unfinished stories to unsuspecting listeners. Through an enthralling combination of spoken-word poetry and dance, Pink Matter produced a fresh storytelling experience that pulled at the heart and compelled the mind.

The Type | Pink Matter
I love seeing young women who are free. It makes my heart sing. I don’t think you ever regret making art like this - fun, determined and with all your mates and for the pure joy of it and cause it’s important and just because you want to move like this.