Club Undercover | DIDG and Goddess Naavikaran
review, dance Harmonie Downes review, dance Harmonie Downes

Club Undercover | DIDG and Goddess Naavikaran

We went from seeing adapted traditional First Nations culture to a psychedelic journey to Club Culture using the power of dance and our ideas of what ceremony is transformed. So, it may seem like I am fangirling but it’s not just inspiration porn, its inclusion at its best and I loved it.

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Brown Church | The Naavikaran Collective
review, theatre Ranjini Ganapathy review, theatre Ranjini Ganapathy

Brown Church | The Naavikaran Collective

It is not long before I find myself completely taken in by the artists who have now formed a circle of celebration, clapping their hands to time. Naavikaran’s white flowy skirt accented with silvery foil-like material has a life force of its own. The other performers look equally royal in their costumes, twirling, swirling, locking eyes with one another, immersing themselves in the beauty and safety of friendships they have forged amongst themselves. I smile so much at the unfolding of this dance sequence simply because it is unadulterated, unpretentious joy.

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Brown Church | Naavikaran
poetry, theatre, review Ofa Fanaika poetry, theatre, review Ofa Fanaika

Brown Church | Naavikaran

“Brown Church is a work in progress”, declares Naavikaran, and it’s clear that they have much to say. Thank those Gods within Naavi that they have created a space to share this. The very clearly rehearsed and intentional poetry recited is of considerable expertise, sheening the POC queer space into the light.

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