Alexander Vogue Night, Mad Dance Festival | House of Alexander
The Alexander Vogue night was a re-birthing of belonging for me and I assume others present. To look around the room and not feel like I stood out due to my gender non-conformity. To see others like me giving me that knowing look like – yeah I’ve walked a similar path to you, I see you, you’re beautiful and resilient just like me.
This Time It’s Personal | Sam Evans
Evans came out strong and committed to character, bringing robots, dolls, and puppets to life amidst hectic high energy tricks in a very small space. It was a lot of fun. He is a strong comedic performer and commanded the audience early on with dance techniques you really need to see to believe.
In a show of his versatility, Evans also took us to his darkness and his quiet peace too, all the while holding space, manipulating it with his body… sometimes seemingly defying the laws of physics.

Rhythmology | Ty Goddard
I had the fortune of interviewing Ty beforehand and as often the case when creatives get together, rainbows appear. That time around I was left flabbergasted at the impact, pace and quality of this emerging production. Second time around I left feeling stunned at the slickness of choreography, the blending of multidisciplinary performance, timing, and POC excellence once again sheening in the spotlight

Betwixt | Pink Matter Culture
Every aspect of this work is deeply purposeful. The sequence of the stories speaks to the relationship between the elements. We see the water dance with the air, who in turn fuels the fire, who in turn cleanses the earth, before spirit comes and weaves them all together. Each story is so raw and specific to the performer it belongs to but is told in universal ways.
Distinct | Annikki Chand
I don’t open with ‘this show was created in four days’ as a way of lowering your expectations. In fact, quite the contrary; the fact that Annikki was able to create a work covering hefty themes of identity, culture and gender in such an entertaining way was nothing short of amazing.
Distinct | Annikki Chand
Utilising the energetic, powerful and sometimes aggressive dance moves of krump in conjunction with the fun, entertaining, dynamic bollywood dance style, Annikki took this dance lover on a journey as she fearlessly tapped into discovering her Indian and Finnish heritage, her roots.

Peach Papaya | GoldenCoastline
There is something special that happens when dancers come to support other dancers, and that is the way their energy bounces off one another. Even when nothing is happening. The performers might be standing completely still in near complete darkness, tinted only in the softest red. This is enough to spur a shout, or a cheer, or a “Get it!”. As though true silence is forbidden.