Murder at the Bowlo | Impro Mafia
During the group scenes for the whole audience, the performers really leaned into the silliness of the theme and into interacting with the audience, which kept us giggling along. At times, Murder at the Bowlo almost felt like a pantomime in the best possible ways, with the audience booing, cheering and responding to every character as secrets and accusations flew around the room.

"Some people have likened impro to a drug because it is so addictive." Wade Robinson riffs on magic of impro and the upcoming Theatresport Grand Championships.
Sylvia spoke with show director Wade Robinson to find out more about impro and Theatresports. He also dishes on the upcoming Theatresports Grand Championships where the best improvisors from Brisbane and beyond will battle it out in the upcoming in a side-splitting showdown of quick wits, fast thinking and comedy clout.

Immerse yourself into the inner world of fellow commuters with Transported by improv masters ImproMafia
The show seeks to explore the private world of people on public transport. In this space, the audience is invited to physically become part of the journey as fellow passengers, effectively blurring the line between audience and performance. The venue also works to evoke a sense of familiarity in the audience- we’ve all had to catch public transport before- but allows them the unfamiliar experience of getting a glimpse into the inner-world of their fellow commuters. Ryan hopes some audience members will leave the show with a sense of curiosity regarding their fellow man that carries over to their own interactions with public transport in the real world.