To Hunt a Killer | Dark Stories
To Hunt a Killer had a distinct connection to Brisbane|Meanjin. The team constructed the narrative around a specific site that is well known to many Brisbanians, which absolutely made this piece special. Equally, this would be a cool experience for those visiting the city and would give an opportunity to explore a popular area in Brisbane in an experience you just would not get during the day.

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse | Dark Stories, Brisbane
The team quickly established their very particular rules and statistics for surviving the undead hordes outside the building and reminded us to pay attention, because we’re about to be tested. And test us they do, as those of us who don’t follow their advice drop like flies over the course of the evening, until only a few remain. I, for one, definitely did not survive.

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse | Dark Stories Brisbane
Words cannot describe how nervous I was before I arrived, yet there was something strangely comforting about this weird ride from the get-go. A little bit university science lecture meets AA meeting, with Rocky Horror vibes on slow burn; this one was definitely a creeper.