Bloom Girl | Charli Burrowes
Bloom Girl takes us to her world, a world of instant attention, interaction, gratification. Of being hyper alert ready for the next beep and armed with the next retort complete with the right hashtag. It reminds us of how demanding being connected to social media is, and what it like to be an influencer seeing what other influencers do. I’m led to think perhaps social media is a virus when I hear the mispronounced influenza spoken.

"This is for anyone with a smart phone, feeling a little bit less than." Charli Burrowes on her debut play 'Bloom Girl'
It’s a story about wanting to be loved (and 'liked'). With a few heartbreaks in my back pocket, I have combined my experiences of the digital dating scene to turn them into something a little fun, just in time for Valentine’s Day.