"We were inspired to create an event that celebrated and centred the art of improvisation!" Rosa Sottile on the 2022 Brisbane Improv Festival
Since its origins in 2015, Big Fork Theatre has had a goal of making Brisbane / Meanjin an internationally recognised hub of Improv and comedy. Since their origins, they have produced shows, festivals and run classes and workshops for hundreds of locals. In February 2022, Big Fork achieved one of their big dreams as a company and opened their very own dedicated improvisation and comedy venue in Fortitude Valley, and have been running shows every week at Brisbane’s home of improv and comedy since.
In November 2022, Big Fork returns with their second annual Brisbane Improv Festival, which is chock full of all the comedy goodness you need to escape from the end of year rush. We spoke to Rosa Sottile, one of Big Fork’s directors, to get the dish on this year’s festival and what you simply must see.
Tell us about the Brisbane Improv Festival in 100 words or less? What did Big Fork decide to start the festival
Brisbane Improv Festival was born out of a desire for Big Fork to showcase the excellent improvisers in our Brisbane community, and to bring in other improvisers from around the world to learn from and enrich our improv community and theirs. We were inspired by the New Zealand Improv Festival and other similar festivals to create an event that celebrated and centred the art of improvisation! Improvised theatre and comedy is so special because every show is completely unique and different - you literally will never get the same show twice.
The 2022 Festival has grown massively from the first one you held last year. Tell us about the line-up and what's new about this year's festival.
At the inaugural festival we had 4 days of shows and workshops - we've doubled that to 8! There's 22 workshops and 18 shows. We are lucky to be able to have improvisers from around Australia, Aotearoa/New Zealand and even further away, including a troupe from Estonia. It is so exciting to be able to host the festival in our own Big Fork Theatre as well - opening our own space means we have the ability to showcase so many more incredible performers and teachers. There are musicals, comedies, shows that explore life, love and relationships, memory, and more!
Which events are you particularly excited about in the line-up?
It's so hard to choose but I am really excited about the visiting performers from overseas - from Auckland there's Ferris Wheel and Livin' La Improv Loca, from Wellington there's Awkward Threesome,The Dive and Game of Life, and from Estonia there's Improv in Gibberish. I am also so excited to see the return of a fantastic local show from 2021's Festival, Untitled Relationship Experiment, and a special "Dear Diary" edition of Big Fork's flagship show Cool Story Bro! There's just so many incredible shows it's hard to pick! https://www.brisbaneimprovfestival.com/show-program
What did you learn from the first festival that has informed this year's one?
There's an appetite and excitement to see improvised comedy in Brisbane! We sold out our shows in 2021 with over 1200 attendees and that made us feel confident Brisbane wants to see new and interesting theatre and comedy. There's a great enthusiasm for trying new things in Brisbane which is something we at Big Fork Theatre absolutely love about our city.
All Images: Kris Anderson.
Who is your perfect audience member? Who is going to LOVE the events of the 2022 Festival?
It's you, and your friend, and you're just keen to see a show and have a good time. The shows are created in the room - which means our audience's reactions are part of steering the show. So if you want to see something totally hilarious, totally different and have an absolute blast, the Brisbane Improv Festival is for you.
Is there anything else we simply MUST know about the 2022 Brisbane Improv Festival?
We have multiple shows every night! So grab a nightly pass (for the price of a ticket to most other theatres!) and have one of the most fun nights you can have at our welcoming bar and theatre! These shows may never return to Brisbane - so it's your one chance to see them. Don't miss out on Brisbane's most exciting and spontaneous festival - get your tickets today!
What's next for Big Fork after this year's festival?
When you run Brisbane's home of improv and comedy, you keep on putting on great shows! Big Fork Theatre have shows on through to Christmas and we will be back in the New Year - and if you're intrigued by improvised comedy you can take a class starting November 27!
The 2022 Brisbane Improv Festival runs from 12-19 November at Big Fork Theatre’s dedicated improv and comedy space at level 2, 252 St Pauls Terrace, Fortitude Valley.